It's been a long time coming, what with being over a month overdue but today is Henna day!!! Yaaaaay! I'm so pleased to finally have time to do this (without it clashing with needing to relax my hair, needing a protein treatment, needing to find 6 spare hours in an evening/day..... etc etc), as my grey's are multiplying by the day like little snowy gremlins...YIKES!!!! I suppose that's one of the downsides of being 37, ever increasing numbers of grey hairs.
1. Yesterday morning I mixed up 1 x 100g box of my favourite brand of henna with hot water. I mixed until all lumps and powder had disolved. I wasn't at home when I mixed this up so I just left it to sit whilst covered all day and all night. After sitting all day and night in the kitchen it then sat for 8hrs in the warm car whilst I was at work!
2. When I got home I detangled my hair in 10 sections, applied lots of coconut oil and two strand twisted each section before clipping close to my head and covering with a shower cap.
3. Whilst the oil was soaking into my hair, I made up a small mixture of 3 x teaspoons of (sieved) fenugreek powder, 2 x teaspoons of amla powder and 2 x teaspoons of shikaikai powder which I mixed with some hot water to form a nice loose paste. I left this to sit for 30mins for the mucilage to form from the fenugreek.
Note: Next time I will add the seived fenugreek powder directly to the henna powder before mixing in the water so the two can sit together for hours before application.
4. Next, I added 3 x teaspoons of castor oil and 2 x teaspoons of olive oil to the mixture along with Treseme Moisture Rich conditioner. Lastly I added two large capfuls of aloe vera juice to the mixture and mixed throughly using my trusty wooden chopsticks.
Note: I was very tempted to put some crushed garlic into the mixture but decided against it on this occasion - but maybe I will next time..........?
5. After mixing together all the ingredients I applied to my hair in sections and covered my hair with clingfilm and a shower cap as usual and covered all of this with a towel to keep my head warm in a hope to accelerate the effects of the henna. To prevent the henna and oils dripping into my ears I folded a cotton wool pad and pushed it into my ear, then placed two more cotton wool pads ontop before securing tightly under the cling film.
I am really tired right now so going to have a sleep for 3hrs and finish off the process around midnight.
Ciao 4 Now

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