I've had a sleep........but it ended up being longer than the 3hrs I had planned!!! I woke up at almost 1am this morning and wrestled with leaving the henna in overnight or just washing it out and spending about 2hrs awake before going back to bed. I was completely shattered so decided to do some post midnight research on the consequences and hopefully the benefit of leaving the henna on overnight. I saw only positive points about keeping it on overnight so I took the towel off my head, loosend the cling film a little, popped on a woolly hat and jumped back into bed!
7. Next I rinsed out the conditioner and put my hair into 4 sections. I then decided to shampoo with Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo leaving the shampoo in each section, moving onto the next and then rinsing each individual section.
8. I then deep conditioned my hair using 8 heaped teaspoons of Alter Ego Garlic Conditioner mixed with 2 x teaspoons of castor oil and 2 x teaspoons of Roux Porosity Control Conditioner/Corrector and sat underneath steamer for 30mins before rinshing out with cool water, followed by a final rinse with Nutrine Garlic Conditioner.
9. I left a teeshirt on my hair to soak up excess moisture for 10 mins, applied my leave ins and airdried. When my hair is 80-90% dry I will detangle with my Hercules Sagemann Jumbo Rake comb and either set my hair in 5 x flat twists or air dry with my hair hanging down and then pin curl. Decisions.........decisions......
It's now 12pm and my hair is currently still air drying as I type this but I can tell that the colour is great, best of all my greys are no longer grey! My hair feels strong but as it's not dry yet I cannot comment on the softness at the moment but so far it feels good. I'm please to say that shampooing out the henna mix reduced the rinsing time than if I had cowashed as I usually do. Thankfully I managed to get the fenugreek out by using a shampoo wash instead of a cowash.
Happy to report that I didn't loose any hair during the henna application, only a small amount when rinsing and washing out. I lost most hair during the thorough DC application. Maybe I was a little too thorough!!?!?!??!!!? I also lost some hair (but not too much) when detangling before the whole process. Overall, I am not worried about the amount of hair lost during this wash day / henna treatment.
One thing I have noticed since starting to rinse out the henna, my scalp has been itching, mainly in the back. I hope this isn't some kind of reaction. It's not too bad so I'll just keep and eye on it for now....
Ciao 4 Now
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