"Just as a little note to myself, I have decided to document all of my wash days for the time being so I don't have to keep information my phone. Keeping it in two places makes no sense. This is what my blog is for afterall."
- Pre Poo Vatika coconut on hair dampened with and detangled with aloe vera juice mixed with jojoba oil
- Clarifying wash - Keracare 1st Lather Shampoo
- Moisturising wash - Keracare Hydrating Detangling Shampoo
- Protein Treatment - IC 1 Minute Reconstructor
- Deep Condition - Moisturising Mix (Keracare Humescto, 2x tsp Roux Porosity Control, 1 x tsp honey, 2 x tsp castor oil, 2 x tsp AOWC, 2 tsp Nutrine Garlic Conditioner)
- 25mins under steamer
- Airdry to 80%
- Blowdry
UPDATE: Later in the evening......
Blowdrying was not a good idea, I gave up half way through as my hair was too thick. I think 80% dry is too dry to blowdry at 4wks post I have so much newgrowth either that or my hair has reverted!!!
It hasn't really reverted, my hair is defo longer. I have regained all the length I had to cut off at the end of May!!!! I am so pleased.
I won't blowdry or shampoo again until I get my weave installed hopefully in 1 to 2 weeks time.

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