Well, this wash day ended up being an opporutnity to use some of the Bee Mine 'Try Me' sized products that arrived last week. I have already used the Mango Serum and the Lucious hair moisturiser, both of which are proving to be so far, so good...
My HAIR Today:
My hair is still very straight and tangle free following my trim last week. I wore my hair in two flat twists which I had to redo a couple of times today, so much for low manipulation!!!Pre-Poo Routine:
I didn't pre-poo today as I was doing a clarifying shampoo wash with Bee Mine Bee Mine Purity Thassoul Clay Clarifying Bar which I will review in a month or so when I have had the chance to use it 2 or 3 times. I sectioned my hair into four and detangled each section then sprayed the roots heavily with Mane 'n' Tail Detangler and left to soak into each section before detangling thoroughly.

Wash Routine:
I washed my hair with the Bee Mine shampoo bar which I will at this stage say made my hair feel strenghened. I wasn't expecting that and it was a welcome surprise.
I then applied the Bee Mine Deep conditioner to each section and sat with my heated cap on my hair for about 45mins (I forgot to time it but I think it was between 35-45mins). I then rinsed out the dc and followed up with a final rinse of aloe vera juice.
Final Steps:
Clarifying Wash = 15mins
Deep Condition = 45mins
Products and detangling = 10mins
I won't be blow drying this week, but I may flat iron tomorrow, I'm not sure....depends on how my hair looks tomorrow. I'm sure I'll be getting the Caruso Steam rollers out at some point in the next day or two (",)
Ciao 4 Now!!!

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