Well, to be honest, my hair feels like RATS!!!! Well, it feels more like straw but rats is a tad more dramatic. (",) It was soooo bad I had to go home and wash my hair on Sunday instead of my usual wash day of Tuesday. Before heading home, I applied lots of HE BE (HE LTR) leave in cream and sealed with avocado oil. I then put my hair into two french braids.
Pre-Poo Routine:
I sectioned my hair into 4 and applied some warmed coconut oil to the lengths of my hair and the ends. I then left this in my hair for 30mins.
Wash Routine:

I cowashed twice, then deep conditioned with Organic Root Stimulator Replenishing Conditioner Professional mixed with two teaspoons of Roux Porosity Control Conditioner Corrector and two teaspoons of Hemp Oil. I love this mix, it never fails to make my hair feel amazingly soft yet strong and moisturised. I left this on for 45mins with heat.
Final Steps:
After rinsing out the deep conditioner mix, I finished with a cool rinse and then left the towel on my hair for about 10 mins before applying my leave ins whilst still in 4 sections.
I then blowdried lightly paying more attention to the roots. I then flat ironed and was out the door!
Pre-poo = 30mins
Cowash = 10mins
Deep Condition = 45mins
Products and detangling = 10mins
Ciao 4 Now!!!
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