Okay, one month in I think it's only right to unleash my other passion - shoes and the purchasing of said items. I have a rather large collection of footwear, most of which are killer heels of some sort. These knotted peep toe lovelies from Zara are the latest addition to my collection and I am in love!!!
I have long lusted after this pair of Christian Louboutin Lady Grey peep toe shoes but alas I was never able to treat myself to a pair as they were no longer being made when I looked for a pair in 2008.
I'm impressed with the styling and fit of these from Zara and I feel that design wise they are a great substitute for the extremely more expensive Lady Grey. I can't believe that this stunning pair of shoes only cost £29.99.
Hopefully I'll get to wear these at the weekend if it's not raining!!!
Ciao 4 Now!!!
A year and a half later and 3 wears later I have to conclude that these shoes are as uncomforable as all hell!!! I think I will either try to take them back or sell them on ebay. Sham cos they are beautiful!!!!