It Claims / The Hype:
Jamaican Black Castor Oil is generally used as a hot oil treatment or used to combat dry damaged hair, hair growth issues, thinning hair and dry/split ends.
Black Castor Oil is a powerful all-purpose healing oil that came to Jamaica from West Africa where it was used in ancient times for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Tropic Isle Living's all natural Jamaican Black Castor Oil is light to dark brown due to the tedious age old traditional process still used to make this brand. For detailed information on the wonderful healing attributes of this product visit
Results on My HAIR:
Brilliant. Every time I use this oil I am surprised at how soft if makes my relaxed / texlaxed hair and newgrowth feel. I haven't used it for hot oil treatments yet but I do use it to seal in my moisturiser and on my scalp. It performs well and is worth the extra money in my opinion. I have used normal West Indian Castor Oil which is good too, but this is better in my opinion. I like the fact that it is not as thick as the WICO but I'm not to hot on the sent. It kinda has a scent like burnt nuts or seeds but the smell doesn't linger for too long. The improvement in growth and thickness to my nape since using castor oil has been really impressive.
Will I Buy It Again?:
Definitely. I love this stuff. It took me a while into my HHJ to find a supplier in the UK that supplies this product at a reasonable price. I purchased mine from Shea Butter Cottage and it was a surprise to me that they are not too far from where I live!!! Great news after months of searching for this product online.
My HAIR Rating:
Ciao 4 Now!!!
Ciao 4 Now!!!

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