Friday, 6 January 2012

My HAIR Plans: Revised

"Happy New Year everybody!!"

I really hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas break and that 2012 is a happy and healthy one for you and your nearest and dearest.  For me, Christmas was pretty full on as we had my little sister and her family come for dinner and an overnight stay.  It was really lovely.  New Years Eve was wonderful, I spent the entire day with my bf followed by dinner at a lovely restaurant, then we decided to nip home just before midnight so we could see in the new year at home, with our dog.  I loved every minute of it, including falling into bed fully clothed for a 3hr kip!!!!  I felt like a youngster again.

Anyway, back to all things HAIR...

I won't be setting any hair goals or plans for 2012.  I will just see where the year takes me and where that will lead me with my hair.  Sticking to plans is not really suited to me.  Take for instance My HAIR Plans post which I published on 15th December.  Well lets just say, I didn't really stick to it.  I have kept my hair in protective styles and well moisturised but as for the rest of it....nuh uh.  Nor have I stuck to my plan of doing a henna treatment every month or even last week for that matter!  Why oh why do I make these plans......I never seem to carry them out entirely, so to me it's just a pointless excercise most of the time.  I'm good at making plans, many plans in fact, but I'm way too undisciplined to keep on track with them.

I should know this already but alas I'm still learning!

So, needless to say my plans for my hair are well and truly off.  I find myself at 4 weeks post, I have have not washed my hair since a dc and cowash on Christmas Eve.  I certainly haven't done any real kinda protein treatments in order to strengthen my hair for a relaxer. Even my plans to henna my hair were scuppered by Tesco no longer selling the Ayuuri Menhandi.

I really want to do a henna treatment and will do it tonight if I manage to find some BAQ henna at one of my local Indian stores.  I also want to try deep conditioning with banana (baby food)

At 4wks post I don't really have any major new growth to write home about, although my hair has been in cornrows for a week so there may or may not be some notable developments on that score.  I doubt it though.....

With this in mind I will probably hold off the corrective relaxer (just on the under processed parts) for another few weeks.  In the meantime I will try adding 2 x tablespoons of Aphogee 2 Step to my deep conditioner as suggested in this post by Little Golden Lamb (love her blog & writing style!) apply to dry hair and leave that on for about 30mins following up with a moisturising dc as I really don't fancy doing the two step process again after the protein overload experience last year.

I don't have any real timescale in mind to do the things above so I will just fit them in when I have the time and the products to hand.

Ciao 4 Now

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