Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Wash Day Diary 11.01.12 (Pic Heavy)

"I've been bunning using my phony pony since Sunday and have been happily baggying my ends all day underneath the phony pony which has been great!!!"

Although the baggying has been really useful for my ends the length of my strands still feel a little dry which usually happens to me after a henna treatment no matter how much oil and moisture I add into my henna mix and apply to my hair after the treatment.

I decided to deep condition my hair using ORS Replenishing Conditioner as it has the perfect balance of both moisture and protein.  I already had a 16oz bottle of this (which had cost me £8.49) but stumbled across some 32oz bottles in my local BSS during my henna search last week which only cost £6.99.  I think this was a pricing error so snapped up a bottle, although I should have got two!!!

Below are the steps I followed for my DC / Cowash:

1.  First I sectioned my hair into 4 and secured the sections.

Prior to sectioning
After sectioning

2.  Next I sprtized each section with AVJ and Just For Me Detangler, using more AVJ than the detangler as frankly AVJ does the best job of detangling my hair.  I allowed the AVJ to soak in a bit and soften my strands before splitting each section in two and detangling starting from the ends and working my way upwards.

Hair spritzed with AVJ prior to detangling
Fully detangled

3.  After detangling a section I added some coconut oil to the section paying particular attention to the ends, two strand twisted and then secured the section before moving onto the next.

4.  I then decanted some ORSRC and popped it into the microwave for approx 45 seconds to warm it up.  I then applied to each split section starting at the roots and then working my way half way down (to the underprocessed area of my hair) before moving onto the next split of the section, repeating the process and then bringing the two together and the applying more conditioner to the length of my hair using a massaging/stroking action before concetrating more conditioner on the ends.  Once a section was finished I secured it with a clip. 


5.  I then removed the clips and then covered with plastic bag and a scarf for 2 hrs before cowashing out and doing a final rinse using HEHH conditioner.

6.  Once I stepped out of the shower I covered my hair with a t-shirt for about 10mins to remove the excess moisture.

7.  Once 10mins were up, I removed the t-shirt and then applied my leave ins

I didn't end up using the Giovanni Direct Leave In

This is how much Bee Mine Deja's Hair Milk I used per section

This is how much Grapeseed Oil I used per section
This is how much Giovanni Frizz Be Gone I used per section

Texture shot - so underprocessed, can't wait for that corrective relaxer!!!!

All leave ins applied, two strand twisted and air drying to 60% dry
7.  Once air dried to 60% I detangled each section, applied some Bee Mine Luscious and a little coconut oil and then pulled my hair back and secured with a pony tail holder, smoothed on a tiny amount of Mixed Chicks Leave In on my edges and nape, baggied my ends, applied my phony pony and then put on a scarf to complete the air drying process.

Amount of coconut oil applied to each section

Amount of Bee Mine Luscious applied to each section

This is the state of my Bee Mine Luscious.  I have no idea why it has seperated, this has only happend in the past couple of months
Phony pony installed

Finishing air drying using the scarf method

Same as above

I hope to DC / Cowash again in 3-4 days time and repeat this entire process.

Simply Makes Sense:  Being the PJ that I am, I'm always trying to find 'The Perfect' moisturising deep conditioner.  I really don't know why I keep spending money on this trial and error mission as ORSRC works wonderfully for me every-single-time!  I think I am going to commit to using ORSRC as my only dc from now on, through to my next touch up (not the corrective but when I actually relax my new grown in about 8-10 weeks).   If all is going well I will continue to use it for 3 months and see what effect sticking with this one dc exclusively will have on my hair.  To be honest, I can't really see it being a bad thing and if it is as good as I think it will be I will just continue to use it. I'll be off to the BSS to see if I can pick up another cheap as chips 32oz bottle tomorrow.   I certianly won't be telling them they have made a mistake on their pricing...I'll just put it down to the January Sales.   Ssshhhhhh....!

Ciao 4 Now


  1. I will be doing the same as you for awhile--using only ORS Replenishing Conditioner as my only DC once a week for the next few months. If things work out, I'll stop using my other DC and turn to ORS from now on. It seems we both love this DC so I hope persistent use will work out for the both of us!

  2. I am doing the same with ORS, because like you said, it's a perfect balance of moisture and protein. I dc'd with it overnight this weekend and it didn't work out too well, but it has every other time.


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