Monday, 30 January 2012

Wash Day Diary 30.01.12 (a tale of 3 eggs!)

"Wash day again.  My hair has been feeling great since my last wash day but I really want to give it a protein treatment and stick some cornrows in so I can wear my lace unit for a couple of weeks as it's going to be chilly in good ole' Blighty!"

As the title of this post suggests, I decieded to experiment once again using an egg, but my plans didn't quite.... errrmmm..... go to plan.

First I started out by applying grapeseed oil to my hair and very lightly detangling my hair.  I thought I'd give detangling after washing and deep conditioning as Jeni mentioned doing in her recent post.  I had to detangle a bit though, due to wearing my hair in a bantu knot out for the past few days.


Saturday, 28 January 2012

Bantu Knot Out

"At the end of my last wash day I decided to do a bantu knot out as I didn't have access to my rollers and hooded dryer."

In addition to this, I was kinda over wearing my hair straight for now as it always feels more moisturised when I wear it in curlier.


Friday, 27 January 2012



Thursday, 26 January 2012

Wash Day Diary 25.01.12

"After 4 days of wearing my hair out and straight I really wanted to give my hair a moisture boost so decided to bring forward my wash day by one day."

I wanted to do a chelating wash as I normally do as my first wash after a relaxer, but I didn't have any ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo with me so I decided to do a clarifiying wash instead with my Bee Mine Shampoo Bar.

These are the steps I followed:


Sunday, 22 January 2012

I Finally Got The Scissors Out...!

"I have been itching to deal with my ends ever since my last relaxer in December.  Unfortunately I had to wait until my relaxer touch up so I could see exactly how much hair needed to be cut off.  I did a little dusting just to get rid of the very ends to tide me through the past week."

After rinsing out my deep conditioner yesterday my hair felt heavy, I think this was due to the addition of the silk amino acid which I added to the mix.  It seemed to coat my hair as I applied it and must have bound to my strands during the deep conditioning process.  I love how my hair felt.  It has never felt weighty like that before, especially after a fresh relaxer.


Saturday, 21 January 2012

Relaxer #4 (My Corrective Relaxer)

"Finally, 6 weeks are up and after weeks and weeks of research and babying my hair, I set about the task of removing some of the additional texture from my strands."

Over the weeks I have been assessing the areas that were under procesed to try and find the best way of relaxing the parts that need redoing and avoiding that parts that don't.  As the weeks went by I quickly realised that it wasn't just a few sections that needed attention, it was pretty much my entire head.  Taking this into account I decided that the best way to address it would be to relax my new growth using the half and half method and then to tackle the mid section of my hair where I hadn't pulled the relaxer down far enough last time and then work my way back up from that part to the new growth and smooth through the entire section, leaving the ends untouched.


Thursday, 19 January 2012

My Post Henna Wisdom Hairs

"It's only been about 10 days since since my most recent henna gloss treatment and my wisdom hairs are already showing through at the front in my hairline."


Sunday, 15 January 2012

Wash Day Diary 15.01.12

"At 8pm this evening it dawned on me that I needed to fit in a quick DC and wash today so at the last minute I had to hop to it in the hopes of getting it finshed by midnight as I have an early start tomorrow."


Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Wash Day Diary 11.01.12 (Pic Heavy)

"I've been bunning using my phony pony since Sunday and have been happily baggying my ends all day underneath the phony pony which has been great!!!"

Although the baggying has been really useful for my ends the length of my strands still feel a little dry which usually happens to me after a henna treatment no matter how much oil and moisture I add into my henna mix and apply to my hair after the treatment.

I decided to deep condition my hair using ORS Replenishing Conditioner as it has the perfect balance of both moisture and protein.  I already had a 16oz bottle of this (which had cost me £8.49) but stumbled across some 32oz bottles in my local BSS during my henna search last week which only cost £6.99.  I think this was a pricing error so snapped up a bottle, although I should have got two!!!

Below are the steps I followed for my DC / Cowash:


Sunday, 8 January 2012

I Got Me Some Henna……Lots Of Henna!!!

“I struck it lucky on Friday evening. I decided to try the other Tesco Superstore in my town and low and behold they had some boxes of Ayuuri Mehandi – So being the PJ that I am I brought them ALL!!!”

I was so pleased that they had some as it saved me having to place an order with PAK’s Cosmetics (which MoHair kindly emailed me to advise that they stock this brand also).  Generally, I don’t mind paying delivery fees if I have to but I prefer not to when I can avoid it. I went to a few Indian stores in my town and they either didn’t have any (strange for an Indian shop  - right?!) or it was way overpriced and a brand that I have never used nor heard of. I really like the Ayuuri brand as it is easier to rinse out than the previous brands I have used and is cheap (when brought from Tesco, £1.32 compared to £1.99 at PAKS).

As you can see from the picture above I also picked up a couple of boxes of Shikakai, a couple of boxes of Aritha and a box of Amla. In hindsight I should have brought 2 boxes of Amla, I will go back and get one another time. I now have enough Ayuvedic powders to last me for most of 2012.

So, when I got home on 06.01.12, I quickly made my henna mix:


Friday, 6 January 2012

My HAIR Plans: Revised

"Happy New Year everybody!!"

I really hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas break and that 2012 is a happy and healthy one for you and your nearest and dearest.  For me, Christmas was pretty full on as we had my little sister and her family come for dinner and an overnight stay.  It was really lovely.  New Years Eve was wonderful, I spent the entire day with my bf followed by dinner at a lovely restaurant, then we decided to nip home just before midnight so we could see in the new year at home, with our dog.  I loved every minute of it, including falling into bed fully clothed for a 3hr kip!!!!  I felt like a youngster again.

Anyway, back to all things HAIR...

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