Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Long Crochet Braids

Crochet Braids
Long Crochet Braids - Aftress Deep Twist
Crochet Braids Long

New year and a new hair style, Crochet Braids!! Towards the end of last year I'd had enough of my hair having recently started my hair journey and desperately wanted a change.

First I thought I would just chop it all off and dye it red although having talked with my sister (queen of all things hair!) thought that might have been a bit too drastic and what if I hated it there would be no going back! I have always loved my sisters Crochet Braids and thought the fuss free style might suit me too so asked (emotionally blackmailed) her to hook me up! Being the wonderful sister she is 'if Carlsbergs made sisters...' she agreed. I decided to go for a looser curl so it looked a bit more like my natural hair type and LONG, why the hell not? I  thought I might as well have what I can't have naturally. After four long hours we referred to my new hair style as 'Cousin It' there was so much hair and I thought I'd gone too far with the length but after a few professional snips from my sister I loved it! Dare I say I even felt a bit sexy - oooh errr! The maintenance of the Crochet Braids has been so simple, literally wake, shake and go! The perfect hair style for a mummy getting ready in a hurry!  I think Crochet Braids will be my new best friends for the next few months.

For more information on how to install Crochet Braids click here.

How to achieve this look:
Hair - Aftress Deep Twist  £3.49
Pack Amount - Four (full length not cut)
Colour - Front Colour 4 (full length not cut) Back Colour 1B (full length and last three rows cut to 3 1/4 length)

Deep Twist Crochet Braids



  1. These are reaaaaally pretty!
    I usually don't like crochets because I don't like the braids, but you can barely see them in this style.

  2. This is a great look on you! I totally wish that I had a sister that I could get (read: emotionally blackmail) into doing my hair!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

  3. The totally suit you sis, you look like a right HOTTIE!!

    I'm gonna put platinum blonde in the next set whilst I'm installing them!!! ;)

  4. @Britt

    Thank you, so kind of you! I do love them. There is so much hair that if you can spot the braids then you deserve a prize!!! :) x

  5. @KLP

    Thank you so much! Everyone should have a sister like mine, I'm very lucky! x

  6. @Simply Into My HAIR / Simply Into My NAILS

    Thanks sis! Haha hmmm well you know me, willing to try most things! Have you forgotten about those blonde strands I was hellbent on having?!! :) x

  7. This looks really pretty on you!

  8. gorgeous look pity you do not show your braiding pattern

  9. @Mila Z


    The braiding pattern for these crochet braids is simply 14 braids all going straight backwards and held together in a hair tie. We used the same braid pattern as I do for my installs using water wave hair, the only difference was my sister doesn't need to baby her nape area so we didn't install a horizontal braid along the nape.

    Feel free to check out my crochet braids tag to see pictures of my braid pattern.

    Thanks for commenting.

    I hope that helps :)

  10. Hey I was just wondering how you cut the hair because I am getting this same style. Did you put it in layers?

  11. @Undrane' Tisdale


    I put in a few layers mainly to frame the face and make it less heavy. The rest of the cutting was done just to neaten it up and get rid of any bits which were too long compared to the rest.

    I didn't do much cutting and all cutting was done with scissors using a downward motion, cutting each required braid individually.

    I hope you love your crochet braid style.

    Thanks for commenting.

  12. is this hair sold in stores

  13. I am thinking about getting this style for my upcoming tropical holiday. Can you swim with this hair?

  14. @Anonymous

    I've never been swimming with crochet braids installed, but I have washed them many times.

    Although I can't be sure, I would say they'd be okay so long as they are not tangled before they get wet to reduce the possibility of matting.

    I hope you enjoy your holiday!

    Thanks for commenting!

    Ciao 4 Now

  15. @Latisha Valentine

    Yes, you can buy this hair from most beauty supply stores. They tend to either stock it in this brand name or others.

    Thanks for commenting!


  16. WOW that is soo pretty im 15 and im trying to go natural iv been transitioning for about 4 months ill be getting my hair done on Thursday in Crochet Braids and i was wondering what did your braid pattern look like to get that pretty side part and did you have any leave out to hide the little tiny knots ?

  17. @Carissa M DId you have any leave out with the crochet braids if now what did you do to cover the little tiny knots ?

  18. Please explain how this look was achieved. This look is beyond beautiful and I am desperately trying to nurse my hair back to health. I am really not a braid type person, but I absolutely love this look.

  19. How do/did you wrap your hair before sleeping? Also how long did the braids stay in for? I need to get my hair done ASAP and this just looks perfect and natural! Please reply asap

  20. What other brand or name do they use for this type of hair you used ?@Simply Into My HAIR / Simply Into My NAILS

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Can you show visually what is meant by 3 1/4 of the hair? Love this style.

  23. @Anonymous


    Instead of cutting the hair in half I just cut off a quarter so you are left with three quarters of the length just for the rows along the nape. :)

  24. I thought you were Jhene! Beautiful install on you :)


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