Saturday, 30 March 2013

Update on My HAIR: Thickness & Length Check #5

"Following my recent relaxer day 24.03.13 I was pleasently surprised to realise that I had passed arm pit length (APL) on this healthy hair journey of mine!!!  I manged to leave my hair alone for a day before taking to it with my cabide scissors! My ends, in my opinion, were not so great so they just had to go!"

It wasn't a surprise to me as this trim was one that had been in the planning since the install of my straight crochet braids.


Relaxer Day #8: 24.03.13


"As part of my plan to stretch my relaxer to every 12 weeks I was on schedule last week to carry out my first relaxer of 2013."

Below are the steps that I followed:


Wednesday, 20 March 2013

My HAIR On My Mind: 2013 HAIR Schedule


“Over the past 3 years of my HHJ I have struggled to incorporate and be consistent with my henna gloss treatments and growth aides. I have therefore taken a look at my regimen to see how I can schedule these in effectively.”

Over the past 12 weeks I have been trialling my schedule which I plan to use going forward for the next 12 months. The details of the schedule are as follows:


Tuesday, 19 March 2013

I Need A New Shower Filter Head

"After my previous shower head was viciously smashed into a million pieces in a fit of jealousy and rage, I now need to buy a replacement!!!"

Okay, okay......, that's not entirely a true reflection of what happened to my shower filter but in my mind that's how it has played out, so I'm going with to stick with that version for now.  Anyway, all jokes aside, no matter 'whatever' happened to my beloved filter - the fact remains that I now need to buy a new one.

The last shower filter handle I purchased was from Aquatiere   I opted for the Spring Shower Handle with Filter as I think it was the only model they had at the time.  Irrespective of the cracked front unit which housed the filter cartridge it lasted me for ages and I got great results for my hair i.e. more moisturised than ever before!!!  I used to use it for everything even when making spritz for my hair or filling up my Caruso Steam Hair Setter.


Monday, 18 March 2013

Wash Day Diary @ 11 Weeks Post: 17.03.13

"I can't believe it's been a whole week since my last wash day when I took out my crochet braids.  Time sure does fly - I was hoping to apply this sentiment to my wash day today and make it hassle free and speedy!"

My starting point was my 7 day old bun and these are the steps I followed (with a few pictures):


Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Growing My Nape

"Today I received a comment on the My HAIR section of my blog.  Initially I was going to write a whole rambling reply but thought I should save the rambling for a post.  Thanks for the comment MK !"

My nape has been such a challenge for me to grow and maintain and it still causes me trouble almost 3 years into my HHJ!!!

My nape is far from perfect but it has come along nicely since 2007-2009 when I experienced wide scale breakage and the hair literally wouldn't stay on my head!

I think the problems started when I fell in love with 'flowy' flat ironed poker straight hair and quite frankly, I just didn't moisturise my hair enough in an attempt to keep my hair from being weighed down and as a result, my nape suffered the brunt of my neglect.

I can definitely say that the following things contributed to my nape growing and being less prone breakage:


Sunday, 10 March 2013

Crochet Braid Take Down - 09.03.13

"I started the take down process for my crochet braids on Saturday  afternoon.  I am always surprised at how much easier and quicker these are to take down than the kinky twists."

First things first, I made a point of reminding myself  of exactly how many weeks post relaxer I am - which is a few days shy of 11 weeks post!  I will not be making the same mistake as my last take down of kinky twists where I did pretty mych everything wrong!

Below are a few photos of the process.


Thursday, 7 March 2013

My HAIR Story: Part II

"A while back I posted Part I of My HAIR Story.  Here's the concluding half, Part II.  I will consolidate both halves and add a new page/tab called My Hair Story now that it's all done."

My mums favorite grease to use on my hair was green Dax. I do recall on occasions that she also used Blue Magic but her favorite by far was Dax. I hated the smell of Dax and preferred Blue Magic but as my mum was doing my hair it was her rules that went!


Monday, 4 March 2013

Clutch Magazine Accolade!!!

"I don't know how I managed not to add this update to my blog but I just wanted to tell you that.....Simply Into My HAIR made it into the Top 5 Relaxed Hair Blogs!"

I can't tell you how shocked I was when I found out about it!!!  You can check out the article if you click on the image below


It's amazing and I never thought that I would make the Top Anything with Simply Into My HAIR.  I am really happy and not to mention stunned.

If you take a look at the link you can also check out the other four blogs who made it into the Top 5, including the lovely Jeni from Just Grow Already (still can't believe  I had such great company!!)

Ciao 4 Now


What's Going On With Simply Into My HAIR...?

"You may have noticed that I have been M.I.A. from my blog pretty much throughout the whole duration of the month of February."

I apologise for being away for such a long time.  Intially my absence from the blog was due to having ZERO broadband connection for two whole weeks!!  Luckily, I still had my phone so was able to post updates on the Facebook page on my henna gloss treatment and sixth set of crotchet braids but blogging properly from the laptop just couldn't happen.

I thought I'd post a link to my 20.01.13 wash day incase you missed it in the flurry of posts this evening.  I wrote the wash day post back in January but never posted because the images were on my laptop - which I couldn't use to post! 

Anyway, enough excuses....below are some of the other things that happened since I last posted way back in January.


Sunday, 3 March 2013

Wash Day Diary @ 4 Weeks Post: 20.01.13

"Again, I have been sporting the rats/birds nest updo.  It's fast becoming a well rehearsed favourite of mine!!!"

When I bun I don't do anything to my hair other than moisturise and seal twice a day.  I take my bun down every evening when I get home from work, moisutrise, seal and then secure my bun loosely with one bobby pin.  Before bed I take out the pin, moisturise my ends again, seal and then cover with scarf with my hair still in the direction of my bun so it is flattened for the morning.  The following morning I moisturise and seal again, put my ponytail holder in for my bun in my position of choice then I'm out the door.  This process continues for the next 6 or 7 days until wash day comes around again.

At the end of week my hair along the perimeter and the back looks smooth but my denser hair at the ront and the top looks like it's ready for a breeding pair of pigeons to set up home!  This week I took the following steps to try and evict those flying rats!


Product Haul: March 2013

As I mentioned in my December Product Haul I needed to restock on some Bee Mine Products and Jamican Black Castor Oil.

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