Tuesday, 29 May 2012

My HAIR On My Mind: Protective Styling with Kinky Twists

I seriously need to redo the kinky twists along my nape!!  The twists directly above the nape are still good but right at the bottom of my nape they are in desperate need of fixing up.  I also need to redo the braids along my hairline and along my centre parting.  I will do these when I have time but they will definitely be done by the end of the weekend.


Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Wash Day Diary @ 7 Weeks Post: Kinky Twist Wash Day

"I noticed  build up on two twists on either side of my temples and a little right at the front of my hairline.  As the sun is shining today and it has been 2 weeks since I installed the kinky twists I thought it was as good a time as any for a Kinky Twist Wash Day,"

I really love my wash days when I am wearing kinky twists as they are so simple and straight forward.

Today these were the steps I followed:


Monday, 21 May 2012

Kinky Twists ~ Fixed Up

"I mentioned in my previous post after installing these kinky twists that I noticed the parting was off at the parting on the top of my  head and I needed to fix it."


Tuesday, 15 May 2012

One Lovely Blog Award

Simply Into My HAIR has been awarded the One Lovely Blog Award by the lovely Jeni over at Just Grow Already and also by the lovely Ms D over at 6 Foot Long Hair.  
I am very honoured although I must apologise for taking so long to get this post up but I have been super busy over the past week and a half!

1.  I have a serious dislike of people coughing, sneezing and generally spreading their skanky germs anywhere near me!!!  I was taught as a child that putting your hand to your mouth was basic manners but it seems to be something that is lacking nowadays. 


Monday, 14 May 2012

My New Kinky Twists - 11.05.12

"It's time for these again! I really love the crochet braids but I wanted something different to see me through the next 6 weeks."

I started the install the day after my henna gloss wash day and finished the following day.  I think the install took approximately 13hrs.

Here are a couple of pictures of the install and end result.


Friday, 11 May 2012

Long Overdue Henna Gloss - 10.05.12

"I've finally had time to schedule in my henna gloss treatment which is over 4 months later than planned!  I would like to do these monthly but haven't managed to do it since starting this HHJ."

These are the steps I followed:


Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Thank You...!

I realised yesterday that I now have 50 followers on my blog!!!  

I honestly can't believe it and I am so so so so '50' so chuffed!  I am really honoured that people I have never met before actually want to read my blog, never mind take time to follow it and comment on my posts.

I thank everyone of you, from the very first followers from 18 months ago, through to the most recent followers.

You guys are the best!



My HAIR On My Mind: @ 5 Weeks Post

My hair has been feeling so dry this week.  I have had to make a massive effort in order to keep it moisturised at all times.  This has included baggying overnight, moiturising daily either 2 or 3 times and sealing with either grapeseed, hemp seed or JBCO and not bothering with a brolly if caught out in the rain (despite what I remember seeing in rain water when I was younger)!!! 


Sunday, 6 May 2012

Wash Day Diary @ 4 weeks post: 04.05.12

"I'm back now after my mini break and the first thing I wanted to do was take out my fourth set of crochet braids, wash and deep condition my hair!"

Since being in the crochet braids I have moisturised my hair using my tried and trusted mix of Taliah Waajid Mist Bodifier and water.  As I was away I doctored the mix slightly with the additon of grapeseed oil.  As we had really hot water in Italy, I pretty much ditched the moisturising mix by the 2nd day away and just popped my head under the water at the end of my morning shower.  This worked a treat.  I only sealed once or twice with my oil mix.  On the last day I threw away half of the Taliah Waajid mix and added some of the CHI Keratin Mist which I had mixed with water and sprayed the whole concoction onto my hair for added moisture and strength.

The next day was deinstall and wash day....


Saturday, 5 May 2012

A Bit Of Spring Cleaning (a.k.a. Dusting!)

"As my hair was shedding and tangling during my last wash day I decided to take the very ends off my hair.  It always feels so much better when I have done this and it stops the hair tangling on itself."

These scissors are just so cute.  Not only are they pink/purple and gold, they also have some bling on them!   They are great at snipping away at my ends and are super sharp.

This is the total amount of hair that I cut (along with a few hairs that shed during the process).

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