Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Crochet Braids #3: It Was Nice Whilst It Lasted....!

"I loved these crochet braids so much!"

Yep, that's right I loved in past tense...I decided to take them out last night.   :(


Sunday, 22 April 2012

Crochet Braids #3: Install

"I installed my current set of Crochet Braids on 21.04.12 and it took about 4hrs in total."

So, after I'd finished the whole process which is involved in my wash day, I set about installing these Diana Ross'esque extensions:-

** First things first, I made sure I had filed and painted my nails!  I am always careful about keeping my nails smooth to keep snags to a minimum when I am doing my hair.  When it comes to braiding my hai I am extra vigillant.  As I'm manipulating my hair so much I make sure I paint my nails first so I can ensure that they are as smooth as possible.  This time I used MUA shade 19 and it's a total bargain at just £1!!!  It is a nice neutral shade and goes on really easily.**


Wash Day Diary: 21.04.12

"Wash day pre crochet braid install.  I've been bunning all week after cowashing on 16.04.12."

This is the process I followed:


Saturday, 21 April 2012

Crochet Braids #3: Afro Kinky

"I went ahead and installed my third set of crochet braids today, this time using Afro Kinky hair."


Thursday, 19 April 2012

Bee Mine Deja’s Hair Milk

It Claims:
From Bee Mine’s Website
This hair milk has many benefits for the health and condition of your hair. It's lightweight but very moisturizing. The oils and butters will nourish and naturally moisturize every strand of your tresses without leaving your hair greasy. The grapefruit essential oil strengthens and keeps your hair healthy while the peppermint essential oil helps to stimulate growth. Good for all hair types, braids and weaves too. We aim to help your hair be the healthiest it can be.

Use Deja's Hair Milk to: defrizz, moisturize on damp hair, as a second day refresher, detangler or leave in.


Wednesday, 18 April 2012

My HAIR on My Mind

I am currently 13 days post and pleased to say that I am not having any problems with my hair this week. My shedding seems to be under control, although I did notice a slight increase the day after my recent super quick wash day but I put that down to me skipping the black&green tea rinse. To counteract this I have been making sure that I take my garlic supplements daily.


Monday, 16 April 2012

Wash Day Diary @ 11 Days Post: 16.04.12

"I decided to do a super quick wash today."

As I was cowashing and not shampooing today I didn't prepoo.  These are the steps I followed:


Sunday, 15 April 2012

Sleek Haul & My New Denman Ebonite Comb

"I needed some new make up.  As a high street make up convert I was keen to try the Sleek range, especially as I didn't want to spend big bucks on stuff I hardly ever wear."


Thursday, 12 April 2012

Wash Day Diary @ 1 Week Post: 11.04.12

“I am currently 1 week post and usually at this stage I would have already washed my hair at around 4 or 5 days post, chelated/neutralised again and given my hair a serious shot of protein. This time around I’ve decided to do things a little different to see if I can keep the texture in my hair under my control!”

So, today is wash day and it has around quickly, but at the same time, not a day too soon!!! I went completely overboard last night with the moisturising and sealing so now my hair is feeling soft and manageable but at the same time, very weighed down.

After I'd finished pratting around in my new Sleek Pout Paint ~ shade Port, these were the steps I followed:


Tuesday, 10 April 2012

My Paul Mitchell 'Super' Cheap Haul

"I've been haulin' and this was a brilliant bargain that no self respecting PJ could just walk past!"


Monday, 9 April 2012

Night Out Wearing My Clip In's

"I had a Bank Holiday night out last night and decided to dust off the clip ins."

I haven't worn these clip ins for almost a year I think.  When I opened the fabric bag they are kept in they were a tangled mess!

I got to work on the tracks using mainly the Tangle Teezer as it made swift work of the tangles


Friday, 6 April 2012

Relaxer #5

"Yaaay, it's relaxer day!!!  Although I was excited I was also aprehensive about loosing a ton of hair in the process."

I decided to relax at one day shy of 10 weeks post.  I followed pretty much the same process as my corrective relaxer this time around.


Thursday, 5 April 2012

My HAIR on My Mind: General Anaesthetic & Hair Loss

"Whilst surfing the net on my way into work this morning, I discovered that there can be a link between anaesthetic, dry/brittle hair and most significantly, hair loss!!!  This certainly goes a long way to explaining my shedding problems over recent months!"

Although shedding and dry hair are not something that I am new to, it has been pretty much continuous over the past few months. 


Tuesday, 3 April 2012

My HAIR Finally Feels......


It might not look great but it definitely feels it.  It is so soft and it  is shedding less than it was last week/last month!

Ciao 4 Now

Monday, 2 April 2012

My HAIR on My Mind: The Plan for This Week

• Initially I had planned to put my hair into a protective style over the weekend (another set of crochet braids) but this didn’t happen. I went out with the BF on Saturday night and during the detangling process on Sunday afternoon I quickly realised that me standing in front of a mirror messing with my hair for 3-4hrs was really not going to happen, so I scratched the idea of the install and jumped into bed instead for a mid-afternoon snooze! Definitely the right decision...!

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