Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Crochet Braids: Just some random pics!

"Just a couple of pics that I took of my hair when I got home today."

I moisturised the synthetic hair with some SCurl, Bee Mine Bee Hold and used a little Creme of Nature Argan Oil Polish and Shine which worked a treat at defining the curls, softening the hair and eliminating some of the frizz.  It also tamed the hair really nicely without weighing it down or making it sticky/greasy.

These are the tools I used to install the braids ~ scissors, braid hair x 2 packs, latch hook tool


Tuesday, 28 February 2012

My HAIR Today: Crochet Braid Style #1

"Just a quick post to show the style I am wearing today.  These crochet  latch hook braids are very versatile."

I cut the crochet braids yesterday, thinned the sides out a little by removing about 6 braids on each side so it's not so big.  I also removed alot of the strands of colour 33 so the highlights are a little more subtle!


Sunday, 26 February 2012

Crochet / Latch Hook Braids: My 2nd Attempt...!

"I decided to install another set of crochet braids, this time using water wave bulk hair instead of the straight hair.  I will do another set with straight hair at some point but I just wanted a completely hassle free protective style to see me through the next few weeks, or months if possible!"

For this install I found the following set of tutorials EXTREMELY HELPFUL!


Wash Day Diary 25.02.12

"My hair wasn't smelling too fresh.  I didn't want to attempt washing my hair with those in and risk the hair matting up and looking like some kinda crazy animal.  Besides, I was just so over them - yes, I know they were only in for 2 weeks but I just fancied a change!"

I was definitely looking forward to washing and deep conditioning my hair this week.  These are the steps I followed:


Monday, 20 February 2012

Crochet Braids: Mini Update

I'm still enjoying my crochet braids but really can't be bothered worrying about my leave out.


Friday, 17 February 2012

Caring For My HAIR Whilst In Crochet Braids ~ Week 1 (with pics)

"Well, when I first put these crochet braids in I didn’t think I would be writing this kinda post as I was all for taking them out straight away!   I actually really like them (at the moment) and have been maintaining them to keep my hair feeling and the weave hair looking it’s best."

When I got home on Wednesday my hair felt like rats! My own hair felt in need of some moisture, no surprises there really as I hadn’t thoroughly moisturised the cornrows since I put them in on Sunday. I have been moisturising the leave out hair every day though, as I don’t want it to get dry and break off, mainly down to the extension hair leeching moisture out of my relaxed strands.

Time to take some action….!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

My Crochet Braids: 1st Attempt

 “As I mentioned in my recent wash day post, I decided to install some crochet braids”

After weeks and weeks of research I took the plunge and threw caution to the wind and went for the straight crochet braids using the dreaded X-Pression hair . I say dreaded as you may recall I had an awful experience installing this hair when I installed my holiday cornrows for my holiday to Barbados last year. I brought 2 packs of colour 2 and one of colour 33.

After watching this tutorial ;


Saturday, 11 February 2012

Wash Day Diary 11.02.12

"Over the past week I've been experiencing more shedding and breakage than what has come to be the norm since the begining of the year.  I have also become fed up with wearing my lace unit (I think that thing needs a good deep conditioning treatment!) so I will be going into a protective style for the time being." 

Todays wash day was in preparation for my crochet braids protective style (which could well become kinky twists seeing as my cornrow skills are still in their infancy!).  I am currently 3 weeks post:


Product Haul: January 2012

"I had to stock up on lots of henna last month so I ended up making quite a few purchases around the beginning of the month.  I will put myself on a product ban during February as I went over my budget in January." 

Net to make my U Part wig £2.99
Razor Comb £1.99
Lustrasilk Mango Liquid Cholesterol £3.49 (rip off price!)
Lustrasilk Olive Oil Cholesterol £2.99 (rip off price yet again!!!)
ORS Replenishing Conditioner £6.99
Organix Coconut Serum £5.99
Butterfly Hair Clips £1.99
Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Conditioner £8.15
Ella's Kitchen Banana Food £2
Henna x 8 £13
Shakakai x 2 £2.64
Aritha x 2 £2.64
Amla x 1 £1.32
Shower Filter £29.95

My favourite purchase by far is my shower filter head.  Oh how I love it so!!!

Ciao 4 Now

Sunday, 5 February 2012

New Post & New Shop For OLT...!

"Just thought I would let you guys know that my sister and I have launched a new online store for our blog Oooh, Love That...!"


Wash Day Diary 05.02.12

"Quick wash day for me today.  I really didn't want to take out my cornrows but my scalp has been itching for a couple of days since my last wash day so I thought I would bring this one forward by a couple of days.....despite the cold weather!"


Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Update: 31.01.12

"I mentioned in my previous post that I would provide an update on the results of the three egg experiment."

My HAIR after dc'ing with AOHSR.  I wasn't impresses when I applied this stuff but I am now though, especially after seeing how well it sunk into my strands.  My hair felt lovely and soft when I rinsed this out.

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