Monday, 31 October 2011

Wash Day Diary: 28.10.11

"The twists came out on Friday 28th October.  Below is the rather long-winded but highly effective process that I followed."

Kinky Twist Take Down & Detangling 
I sectioned hair into 9 and applied grapeseed oil liberally to the braids. I then took down the kinky twists using more grapeseed oil on the twists and my fingers. I took down all the twists in one section before finger detangling my hair that had been released from the twists. Once I'd finished finger detangling, I removed more shed hair using a wide tooth HS mini rake comb and more grapeseed oil as required – my hair was just soaking this stuff up. Once each section was relieved of the shed hair I twisted that section into a two strand twist. I have A LOT of new growth ….yaaaaay!!!

Grapeseed oil is definitely the best way for me to take down my tangled hair. I used both oil and conditioner during my last take down. It was messy and I think that the conditioner made my fine strands too wet last time. I will be using oils from now on for this purpose as I lost less hair and it made the process quicker. Grapeseed oil has a wonderfully smoothing effect on my hair.

Hair shed from kinky twist take down 28.10.11 detangling

The liberal application of grapeseed oil and the fact that it was about 1am all worked in favour of an overnight prepoo session. I made up a conditioner mix of AO GBP conditioner, Bee Mine Beeutiful conditioner, 2 x tsp aloe vera juice, 1 x tsp amla powder, 1 x heaped tsp of fenugreek powder and of course some more grapeseed oil! I mixed this thoroughly and then applied it to my detangled sections of hair, paying extra attention to the ends and the line of demarcation . I then covered with cling film, put cotton wool in my ears and covered with a silk scarf and a woolly hat before hopping into bed!

The Wash
To minimise matting and tangling I washed my hair in the same sections used for the overnight deep protein rich deep conditioning. I started out thinking that I should wash my hair with a protein heavy shampoo so I started off in the front section using the Aphogee shampoo for damaged hair. That was a mistake. It made my hair feel hard and horrible and worst of all tangled! I stopped straight away and switched over to using AO Desert Jay ‘moisturising’ shampoo. Second big mistake. Moisturising my arse! That shampoo made my hair feel even drier than the Aphogee and it smells horrible. I don’t own many shampoos so I felt my options slipping away – I really didn’t think it was an appropriate time for a co-wash seeing as I hadn’t washed my hair in about 3 weeks – yuk I know that is gross. (Actually I think the lack of washing helped me to shed less and made detangling easier than last time.) I then remembered my stash of Keracare products which I keep in a different place to my other products and low and behold I found a full bottle of Keracare Shampoo for Colour Treated Hair. I applied this to my hair and BAM!!! It felt amazing!!! No more hard tangled feeling hair just softness – why didn’t I use this in the first place and how did I forget that I had this (probably cos I have too many products!)?

After washing with the shampoo I rinsed and applied a mixture of Nutrine Garlic conditioner and Aussie Moist conditioner to my each section as I went along. Once I got to the end I rinsed all the conditioner from my hair and placed a t-shirt on it to soak up the excess moisture.

Deep Conditioning Process
Even though I’d dc’d overnight, I wanted to deep condition again , this time with a moisturising concoction. I mixed together Giovanni Smooth As Silk conditioner with 1 x tsp of honey, 1 x tsp of grapeseed oil, 1 x tsp of Roux Porosity Control Conditioner. I mixed this well and then applied to my hair in sections. After applying to all sections, I began the laborious task of thoroughly detangling each section. I started off using my wide tooth comb but this felt ineffective to me, the process was taking too long. I decided to give my Denman brush a try. I was extremely cautious about using this as I feared it would rip out my hair. I started on the ends and worked my way halfway up then started on the roots to half way down then back to the ends again. This process worked fantastically well. My hair is usually really weak but I think the fact that I took down the twists with a ceramide rich oil, grapeseed oil, deep conditioned overnight with amla and fenugreek mixed in and had my hair in protective styles for over 3 months worked wonders on the overall strength of my hair. I don’t think I suffered much if any breakage and all shed hair came out wonderfully with the use of the denman brush.

Once each section was detangled, I piled my sections on top of my head and then went under the steamer for 30mins. After steaming I let my hair cool for 10mins before rinsing out the conditioner thoroughly, before ending with a final acv rinse.

Final Steps
I then applied my liquid leave ins of Aphogee Pro-Vitamin Leave in and Aphogee Keratin Green Tea Restructurizer. I then applied some HE HE Leave In cream, followed by some CHI Silk Infusion. I then re twisted each section. When 70% dry I applied Bee Mine Luscious and sealed with grapeseed oil.

My hair feels amazing and IS NOT SHEDDING! I am such a happy bunny right now.

(From left to right against a 1p) Shed hair during take down, Shed hair during deep conditioning & Shed hair during detangling

Ciao 4 Now

Friday, 28 October 2011


"My wig has arrived and I am dying to put it on!"

On first inspection it looks nice.  It's pretty silky though, I hope it's not too silky for my liking.  I will give it the once over when I get home.  Either way, it looks like it will make a great wig for nights out.  I think I will probably opt for full lace wigs from now on though.

Oooh, I'm so pleased. I took a couple of my twists out today and put them back in.  I just wanted to check the state of any build up.  I do have some build up but it is not a matted mess.  I sprayed my hair two days ago with Bee Mine Juicy and I am shocked at how moisturised my hair still is.  I followed up the Bee Mine Juicy with some Aphogee Keratin Green Tea Mist a day later and wow, my hair feels great and looks great when the twists have been removed....all moisturised and juicy looking!

  I'm hoping for a quick and hassle free take-down this evening.

Wish me (& my 17wks post new growth) luck!

Saturday, 22 October 2011

And The Wig Winner Is.....Also This One!!!

I am so excited about this wig arriving.

Yep, I knew I wouldn't be able to resist buying this!!!  I just had to get the 'Kelly' type wig with a fringe.

I hope my decision to get the wig in a yaki texture was the right one...I think it will be...  I also decided not to get this one as a lace front, but to opt for the full lace version instead.  I will be applying it without using any glue or any tape as I don't want that mess takin' out my damn edges!!!

Roll on next week cos I can't wait to start wearing my new hair!  I love the kinky twists but after wearing two sets for over two months, it's time for a change!

Ciao 4 Now


And The Wig Winner Is.....?

This wig is beautiful, long and looks to be a lovely quality.  Also, the sellers positive feedback scores were brilliant.

So, as planned my lovely boyfriend has purchased this one for me and hopefully it will arrive next week so I can take out the kinky twists on Friday evening (and probably all day Saturday too!!!) in time for a night out with the other half - the first since recovering from my operation 9 weeks ago!

I still want the wig with a fringe so I will purchase that one myself.  

Hopefully I will purchase the wig this weekend so I can wear it to work the week after next, if not, I will just wear this one.

Ciao 4 Now

Tagged: 10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Tama...

"I've received my first Tag from Tola at My Long Hair Journey.   So, here are 10 facts about me that you may not already know about lil old me......"

1.  I'm 37 years old!! I still think I am 25 (who am I kidding, sometimes I still feel 16!) and get pretty confused when I look at recent pictures of myself and don’t understand why I don’t ‘look right’ anymore….. I only realised that it was only this week that I realised that I am less than 3 years short of being 40 and that’s probably why I look this way now. I still feel 25 so I suppose that’s what counts.

2.  I can cook. I love food and equally love experimenting in the kitchen. I don’t do fancy TV chef food though. I love nothing more than cooking for those closest to me who I care about. My cooking for my loved ones is my way of showing them how much I care. I think I am chanelling my inner housewife!

At the moment I am really into roasting chicken which is something I had never done until a year ago – it took me that long to get over having to clean the chicken first – I hate touching raw meat!

3.  I really don’t know how to apply makeup properly, especially eyeshadow! I have got by though over the years I almost faked knowing what I’m doing. In fact I have probably only brought 5 foundations in my whole life!

4.  I LOVE MY BED!! I truly love to sleep and would probably sleep all day long if I could.

5.  I’M-ALWAYS-COLD!!! I really feel the cold so much, even the slightest breeze sets me off. I love nothing better than climbing into my bed whilst my electric blanket is on so I suppose this one kinda ties in with number 4…..

6. I can’t cornrow/canerow my own hair!

7.  I have far too many clothes and far too many shoes in my wardrobe! Oh, I also have far too many hair products and now way near enough space for all this stuff.

8. I love cartoons. I’m such a big kid. I can’t watch horror movies anymore especially if people have ‘those eyes’, that’s what I call scary evil eyes with a yellow iris! Now if you throw in a scary demon voice ala ‘The Excorcist’ I really can’t bear to watch it and replay it in my head over and over for days. And as for zombies, don’t even get me started on them. Anything that ‘could be real’ such as ‘those eyes’ and devil/demon possession really put the willies up me!

9.  I’m a real pushover when it comes to my little nephew. He is 2 years old and was due to be born on my birthday but was a week late. I love him to pieces and he is the cutest cutest cutest kid ever! But I am biased I suppose….. I am the proudest auntie.

10.  I don’t care for flowers – I think they stink of p*ss! If someone wants to buy me a gift I’d be more than pleased with shoes thanks! Although that said, when my mum brought me flowers for my 35th birthday I was chuffed to bits and I would have liked some get well soon flowers from my other half when I was in hospital recently, but he brought me a wig instead. Thanks Gorgeous, a wig is much better than flowers!

Friday, 21 October 2011

Wigida Wigida Who...?

"Yes, I am STILL trying to decide which damn wig to buy!"

Since my last post and after Tola's informative comment as to my choice of supplier, I have decided not to go with the Chinese vendor RPG Show.  So with this in mind, the front runners as of today are:


Picture from Ebay seller TopLaceWigs
Straight Lace Front Wig form TopLaceWigs looks really lovely.  I want a wig with a fringe (to cover the lace at the front it I end up applying it wrong!).  I really like this best out of all the others I have seen.  I am not sure about the 'silky straight' texture though so think I would probably opt for yaki texture for this unit although not 100% sure about that either.  It's so difficult to get a feel for the wig without a) seeing it in person or b)trying it on.  I would also probably opt to get this in 16inches and this cost of this would be £135.  I really like this unit and the seller has good reviews and has been really helpful and quick to respond with questions I have asked which is a really good sign.

Image from Ebay seller Verinia

This beautiful 20" Straight Lace Front unit from Ebay seller Verinia.  I fell in love with this wig, although it's a bit longer than I had originally had in mind.  I think the hair and construction of this unit looks great and if I get it, it will be my evening and weekend wig throughout winter.  I especially like the look of the hairline, thickness and fact that although it is silky straight, it doesn't look too shiny in the pictures listed.  This unit is £145 so a good price for the length.  My boyfriend likes this one most.  Just aswell, as he'll be paying!!!

Images from

I really like the look and sound of this Relaxed Kinky Straight wig from Louise Pierre.  I also like the fact that it comes with Afro Baby Hair which should give the illusion of regrowth, making the unit look more natural!  I'm really pleased that she is now stocking this wig in a full lace 1B for a reduced price of £210.  The only problem I have with this stock wig is the length.  As I would wear this at the weekend and for nights out I would prefer this to be 16 or 18 inches long.  If I order this as a custom unit it costs more and I cannot add the afro baby hairs in the ordering options.  I'm not sure about this one just for that reason so I will have to give it some more thought.

I will be making a decision tomorrow as I want to take out these kinky twists and wear the wig until January/February of 2012.

I'll update on here tomorrow what my decision is......FINALLY!  Of course I will provide a full review on the unit itself and the level of service I experience.

Ciao 4 Now

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


"I'm still on the hunt for a lace wig.  At the moment I am deciding on (a) a supplier (b) the type of cap construction and (c) the hair texture.  Decisions decisions!!!"  

Initially I was looking into possibly getting my wig from RPGShow or this one, also from them.  I have however, stumbled across a supplier from the UK Louise Pierre.  I really liked the look of the Kinky Straight unit with the glueless cap.  At £280 the unit I like is a bit pricey though, and the only stock option is 18inches long and I really only wanted 16inches.

Souce: 18" Kinky Straight - Glueless Cap

I also don't know whether to get a unit with a glueless cap or to get a full lace unit with a stretch panel from ear and use the elastic band method to secure it.  I really have no intention to use adhesive of any kind.  I am also not keen on using wig clips.  I use wig clips on my home made clip ins and I know from the experience of using these clip ins for years, that I really don't want to put those metal clips anywhere near my edges!!!

I dunno, what to do.  I have a while to make my decision as I'm not in any rush.  I really don't know whether to take a chance with the vendor based outside of the UK (RPG  Show) or opt for the UK supplier (Lousie Pierre).  I am very undecided...!

What would you do?

Ciao 4 Now

Monday, 10 October 2011


"I'm now deep into my quest for my full lace wig, I have come across a Chinese vendor,  There are alot of YouTube reviews and most people are happy with their purchases, although some are not.  I plan on doing my first YouTube Review when I get this unit so hopefully however I end up purchasing from won't let me down.  I will also of course be reviewing 'her' right here on Simply Into My HAIR"

For now, I have been on RPG Shows website and had a few laughs with their virtual makeover software.  C'mon ladies pick a new look for me!!

Hehehee - I tell you there were some hum dingers on there that look like a fricken squished cat!

All messing about aside, I think I am going to get the ELS119-s model in a 1b.  Initially I wanted a fringe (bangs) but I think I will get this one first, see if the quality is good then order one with a fringe shortly afterwards.

Ciao 4 Now

Sunday, 9 October 2011

I Cut My Kinky Twists

"Okay, so it's 100% clear that I hated my latest set of kinky twists.  They were way too long and beyond annoying so they had to go!  That will teach me for listening to my boyfriend when it comes to My HAIR!!!"

I first cut the kinky twists on 29.09.11 but had to blunt cut them as I wasn't at home so didn't have a single flat razor blade available so had to use scissors instead.  Lets say, I hated how they came out and still continued to think about taking out the twists every day for the past week!!!  I can't tell you how much I hated them blunt - but I guess it was equal to when they were too long, unmanageable and interfering with my damn sleep!


I cut the twists on Friday night with a razor and tried to layer them slightly so they were not all one length, heavy and flat looking.  I had to be careful when cutting the sides and crown of my hair as my hair in these areas is pretty much the same length as a half strand of the kinky twist extension hair so I didn't want to give myself an unplanned trim!!!

On Saturday I went through the hair and replaced about 15-20 of the twists with the braid hair which I cut in half so it was the same length as the hair I put in the last time I had twists.

I am pleased to say that I really like my twists and think I will have no problems keeping them in for 4 weeks now.

I would keep them in longer but I am preparing for my new lace wig - yaaaay!!!! (",)

Ciao 4 Now

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Taliah Waajid Protective Mist Bodifier

It Claims:
For comb out and detangling, daily conditioning & to remove braids.

Water, propylene glycol, cetearth-20,cetrimonium bromide,wheat germ, indian hemp olive oil, balsam, aloe vera, bee pollen, silk amino acid, bay laurel, dmdm hydantion, fragrance


Results on My HAIR:
Great!  I've only had this product for about a 3-4 weeks but I really really love it already.  I mostly use the bodifier watered down in varying concentrations, in my daily spritz that I use for my kinky twists.  I have had great results every time.  I also used this to detangle my hair when taking out my last set of twists, as a leave in after washing my hair twice after taking out my twists and also to detangle and moisturise my hair during the instalation of my current twists.  It has worked perfectly in all instances and I have no complaints.

The bonus to this product is that not only is it effective in what it promises to do to my hair, but it also smells fantastic.  It has a coconuty kinda tropical smell to it which I love.  I sometimes make my spritz to a 1 part to 9 ratio (kind of using the bodifier as a 'flavouring') and it still manages to make the water spritz smell great and keeps my hair nicely moisturised without causing excessive build up.  Another bonus is that I can use it straight out of the bottle for detangling and as a leave in, and dilute to my hearts content, therefore getting more bang for my buck whilst still achieving great results!  Can't really ask for anything more than that can I??!!!!?

Would I Buy It Again:
Fo' sure!!!  I love this stuff.  There is nothing at all that I dislike about this product.  It's now a staple of mine and I am looking forward to finding more and more uses for it as time goes by and as my hairstyle changes.

Unfortunately this product has propylene glycol as a main ingredient but I will continue to use it, so long as it continues to work for My HAIR.


Ciao 4 Now

Product Haul: September 2011

"Only a few things this month as I've not been up and about to shop for about a month."

  • Matrix Biolage Conditioning Balm £7.49
  • Organix Coconut Conditioner  £1.99
  • Taliah Waajid Protective Mist Bodifier £4.99 
  • Marley Braid extension hair x 4  £16
  • Alberto Balsam Sunkissed Raspberry Conditioner  £1 

Ciao 4 Now
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