Sunday, 1 May 2011

I've Finally Done My Henna Gloss Treatment

After realising that I was way overdue a henna gloss I decided to do one on 01.05.11, prior to getting my hair braided for my holiday in sunny Barbados!

This time, I've decided to document the process in pictures (sadly with no makeup on - oh heck!!!).

1.  I made up my up my henna by mixing 1 x 100g box of Auuyri Menhandi.  After mixing and leaving to sit for approx 5hrs and then cool, I placed it in the fridge for 2 days as I was not going to be home to carry out my henna gloss for a couple of days.  I've never left my henna for this long before in the fridge but I will definitely be doing it again in the future as the colour transfer was great!

2.  I removed the mixed henna from the fridge and left out for an hour and then mixed with all of my add ins, Almond Oil, Olive Oil, HEHH & Treseme Moisture Rich Conditioner;
The Add Ins lined up and waiting
Henna with add ins

I added the aloe vera juice after mixing all of the other ingredients togeter

Henna gloss with aloe vera juice added

Henna gloss with all ingredients mixed together

I've never added aloe vera juice to my henna before.  This was another 'experiment' and one that I will be repeating with all of my henna gloss treatmentsIt makes a nice loose but still sticky consistency which was soooooooo easy to apply

3.  Next I detangled my hair in sections as I always do, using Mane 'N' Tail Detangler.  I then applied warmed coconut oil to each of the sections in order to carry out a hot oil treatment prior to applying the henna gloss.

4.  After leaving the hot (warmed) oil treatment on my hair for 30mins I started applying the henna gloss using the same sections used to apply the oil.

I applied starting at the roots making sure every strand is covered and then worked my way down to the ends.

Henna applied to first section at the front
Once at the ends, I add a little more henna for good measure and just to be sure I haven't missed any bits and then I rolled each section up into a pin curl and then stuck it onto my head.  The henna is thick and gloopy so the hair sticks to my head easily and rarely unravels.

Example of  2 x sections with henna applied and rolled into a pin curl

5.  I then repeat this process until all of the sections have been coated in the henna mixture.
Oh how I wish I had put on some make up!

Hair covered with cling film and a shower cap
6.  I then covered my hair with cling film (saran wrap) and then put a shower cap on top just to make sure all the henna is covered, this stuff is so messy and looks like goose poo!  I have light coloured carpet in my living room so I make sure none of this stuff has any chance of getting anywhere near it!

7.  At the end of the process I thought I would have lots of henna left but as you can see from the pic below, I used pretty much all of the henna I had mixed.

8.   The end result is stronger hair which is a gorgeous shade of red.  My greys are nicely coloured a nice shade of orange red which act as highlights, which in my opinion is better and far less aging than GREY.

The whole process from start to finish takes me about 6hrs!  But it's well worth it.

Ciao 4 Now


  1. I've done cassia treatments in the past - I love how it thickened my hair.

  2. Thank you for posting such detailed instructions! This was so helpful!

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