Saturday, 30 April 2011

Bee Mine Luscious Balanced Cream Moisturiser

It Claims / The Hype:
Enriched with pro-vitamins, natural proteins and healing butters that heal seal and nourish your hair and scalp.  Beautiful hair requires a complete balance of moisture and protein to prevent breakage.  This light cream moisturizer help to prevent split ends and strengthen hair from root to tip.

Results On My HAIR:
LOVES IT!!!!  This stuff is amazing and really comes into its own when stretching your relaxer.  When used on freshly relaxed hair I had to be very light with it and put the tinest amount on my ends and around my hair line.   I tend to opt for this product towards the end of the week when my hair tends to be crying out for more and more moisture.  During my last stretch I found this to be a lifesaver when mixed with eithe rosewater or aloe vera juice.  I will be using this mixture daily when my hair in braided.

Would I Buy Again?:
Most definitely. In fact, I already have!!  Initially I brought the 2oz trial size and then the 16oz size from for an almost heart stopping £26.99.  It's definitely worth it though!!!

My HAIR Rating:

Ciao 4 Now

Friday, 29 April 2011

My HAIR: Needs A Henna Treatment

It seems that I have missed my preferred 'henna treatment every 4 weeks'....yet again!!!

I really need to start scheduling in my henna treatments.  I will be carrying out my henna treatment on Sunday night and then blowdrying my hair in preparation for the installation of my chunky braids. 

I'm really looking forward to having the braids.  It will be nice to have two weeks off from my hair and no manipulation for the duration.  I'm also excited to try out some of the new techniques I have learnt online regarding caring for braids using moisturising sprays and sealing with oil daily just like I do when my hair is out.

I'll be getting them done by my mum and will be getting them installed using the knot-less technique.

Back to the henna.......I have mixed together 100g box of my usual Ayuuri Menhandi (Henna) Powder which is £1.29 from Tesco, with some boiling water.  I really like this brand and the colour transfer that I get.  It also seems to be less gritty than other brands I have used in the past. 

At the moment the henna mix is sat in my fridge after being left to sit for 8hrs in a warm place, whilst I sit and watch the Royal Wedding.  It will be mixed with conditioner, oils and all that good stuff just before I apply it to my hair on Sunday.

Ciao 4 Now


Monday, 25 April 2011

Wash Day: Airdrying

Today I had no choice but to cowash my hair. I went out last night and danced ALOT so needless to say, my hair was well and truly ready for washing!!!

My HAIR Today:
Is a hot mess! I went to bed without detangling or moisturising and sealing. I did sleep on a satin pillow case so at least I've not completely ruined my hair with my reckless bedtime post-great-night-out behaviour! (",)

Pre Poo Routine:
No pre poo for me today.  I didn't have the necessary items with me so I went straight to light detangling as I had no Mane and Tail Detangler with me so I didn't go crazy with the comb today.   I don't want to lose any more hair than can be helped.  I detangled in 4 sections.

Wash Routine:
I cowashed my hair twice in 4 sections with Treseme Moisture Rich conditioner.  I was surprised to see that the black tea rinse coloured the conditioner and water as I worked in the conditioner and then rinsed. I then applied Roux Porosity Control Conditioner / Corrector for 2mins in two sections.

Deep Conditioning:
Today I deep conditioned in two sections using ORS Replenishing Conditioner (professional formula) mixed with coconut oil a castor oil. I covered my hair in cling film (saran wrap) and covered this with a towel and sat inthe sun for 45mins.  I then rinsed out and applied my black tea final rinse.

Final Steps:
I applied HE BE Leave In Cream, CHI Silk Infusion, Elasta QP Oil Recovery Moisturiser and coconut oil to seal. I then applied some Hollywood Beauty Argan Oil Morocco Hair Treatment. 

I had to leave the house straight away so had no time to style my hair so left it wet and got into the car.  The weather has been gloriously sunny today so I took the opportunity to roll down the window and get some air blowing through my hair. All I can say is WOW!!!!!  The fresh air blowing through my hair worked wonders on my 2 week post hair.   By the time we had reached our destination, my hair was almost dry and soo sooooooo soft! 

I will definitely be airdrying outside during the Spring and Summer months.

My HAIR feels great today!!!!!

Ciao 4 Now


Saturday, 23 April 2011

Wash Day: Aloe Vera Juice + Deep Conditioner = Amazingly Soft Hair!!!

Today I decided to try an experiment by finding a way to incorporate the wonderfulness that is aloe vera juice, into my wash regimen.

This is not my normal brand. This has a thicker consistency
which I think works well when added to conditioner. 

Let me first start off by putting my cards on the table, I really can't stand the smell of aloe vera juice. It is 'gopping'.  I really don't like it at all.  Coupled with this, the last time I used this as a final rinse I ended up getting build up in my hair which increased throughout the week- errrmmm lovely!!!

My HAIR Today:
Feels great!  Doesn't actually need washing and if it wasn't for these nasty little flakes on my scalp and sticking to my hair (courtessy of aloe vera juice!), I certainly wouldn't be bothering with washing it today, I would be out in the UK sunshine having fun.  Alas, I now have other things to do.  I really don't enjoy having to wash my hair when it's not required.

This week I've been wearing my hair straight and pinned up to keep it off my shoulders and protect the ends. 

PrePoo Routine:
I sectioned my hair into 6, detangled each section, then applied Vatika Coconut Oil liberally to each section paying extra attention to the ends.  I then put my hair into 6 x 2 strand twists and then put a shower cap on my head and covered it with a headscarf before going to bed to let the coconut oil work it's magic, whilst I slept.

Wash Routine:
When I woke in the morning my first task for my wash day routine was to make up a batch of my ayuvedic tea rinse.  This time I made up a mixture of 2 x tablespoons of amla, 1 x tablespoon of shikakai,  1 x tablespoon of aritha and ½ tablespoons of neem powders.  I mixed this with hot water and once cooled a little strained this using an old pair of tights.  Not entirely attractive, but effective nonetheless.

I had planned to cowash on my next wash day, however due to having the aloe build up in my hair, I had no choice but to use shampoo so I decided to use Bee Mine Botanical Moisturising Shampoo as it contains no sulfates.

I undid the prepoo'd sections which were damp with moisutre and oil.  I then parted my hair into two sections then fully saturated my hair with water.  Working in the two sections I applied the tea rinse carefully to each side of my hair and left in for 7-10mins.  I then washed this out with the shampoo.  I then applied Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor follwed by Roux Porosity Control Conditioner & Corrector.  I must say, by this stage my hair felt great!

Deep Conditioning Treatment:
As mentioned earlier in this post, I decided to add aloe vera juice to my deep conditioner mix.  I added the following:

  • Keracare Humecto
  • Keracare Intensive Restorative Masque (which I had left over from ages ago - before my HHJ)
  • 2 x tsp of Hemp Oil
  • 1 x tsp of Castor Oil
  • 2 x capfuls of Aloe Vera Juice (added at the end after mixing the other ingredients together)
When I mixed in the Aloe Vera juice the conditioner mixture curdled, this looked gross but I put this down to the juice being more acidic than the other ingredients.  I just mixed thoroughly and the mixture emulsified to a lovely and thick consistency.

I applied this mixture to my towel dried hair in tiny sections, I must have had at least 15 sections on each half of my head.  I worked the dc really well into my texlaxed hair and put lots onto the ends.  The aloe vera juice seemed to make the conditioner sink into my hair and soften it instantly. It felt AMAZING!!  It also gave incredible slip and a little went a long way!!!!  I worked lots of the dc in and then put on a shower cap. I left this on for 10mins before sitting under my heat cap for 20mins and then left on for another 30mins without heat. 

When I rinsed out the dc my hair still felt amazing, soft and manageable.  I applied my black tea rinse which again was made up using 4 x PG Tips tea bags.  I left this in my hair and put my towel onto my hair.

Final Steps:
I left the towl on my head for 10 mins before applying my leave-ins.  As my hair felt so great I really didn't have to put much into my hair.  I applied Aphogee Keratin & Green Tea Restructurizer, Herbal Essence Beautiful Ends Leave In Cream, CHI Silk Infusion, sealed with coconut oil and applied some cones in the form of Hollywood Beauty Argan Oil from Morocco. 

I then put my hair into bun and applied my curly phony pony and made into a bun.  The weather was glorious today so my hair dried quickly (apart for the bunned section which was still damp at bedtime).

In Conclusion:
I will be adding aloe vera juice to all of my deep conditioners from now on (",)   I am so pleased that I have found a way to incorporate this into my hair care regimen, without the prospect of buildup or having to endure the smell for days and days. RESULT!!!

I'll have to length check next week after my henna treatment which I plan to do on either Monday or Tuesday as I'll be blowdrying and flat ironing my hair.  The week after, I'll be getting chunky braids.

Ciao 4 Now


Monday, 18 April 2011

What's Up With My HAIR?

Over the past week I have been experiencing some shedding and worst still, some breakage. I've not lost a significant amount of hair, but I want to nip this straight in the bud before I end up with a hair setback.

I think that the problem relates to my  last relaxer and I now think that I left the relaxer on too long, despite the fact that I carried out an Aphogee Two Step Protein Treatment the week before and also put oil into the relaxer.  I am, in the most part texlaxed, so I am wondering where the breakage is coming from.  I have unfortunately noticed some breakage on the left side of my nape.  The first 1cm up from my nape is about 1cm long so it's definitely broken off in this area.  **Grits teeth!**

Personally, I am not so worried about the shedding I think I can control that easier, but the breakage is a problem and I really don't want to have all my hard work break off all over my hands, clothes and house over the next few weeks. 

Soooooooo here is the plan of action:

STEP ONE:~ Strengthen My HAIR
1.  Ayurvedic Tea Rinse
On Friday 15th April I made up an ayuvedic tea rinse of Shikakai and Amla powder.  I mixed together two tablespoons of amla and one tablespoon of shikakai in boiling hot water from the kettle.  I then waited for it to cool and then strained the gritty bits out using an old pair of tights stretched over the top of the container.  I then poured this mixture over thoroughly detangled hair and left on for about 10mins.

STEP TWO:~ Up The Moisture
1.   Cowashing
After the ayurvedic tea rinse I decided to cowash my hair but this week I wanted to revisit Hair One conditioner which I have decanted into a jar as I hate the pump on the bottle.  Too much like hard work when washing your hair in my opinion....!

2.  Deep Conditioning 
I always deep condition my hair either when I am washing with shampoo or cowashing my hair.  I figure that as my hair is wet already......I might aswell....!   This time I wanted to seriously concentrate on getting some additional moisture into my hair, even if this runs the risk of over moisturising which can cause breakage, that could easily be rectified with Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor. 

I made up a deep conditioning concoction:
  •  Bee Mine Bee*U*Ti*Ful moisturising deep conditioner
  • 2 x tsps coconut oil
  • 1 x tsps of castor oil
  • 1 x tsp of hemp oil
  • 1 x tsp of honey
  • ½ tsp of vitamin E

I mixed this together and applied to my towel dried hair and slept with it on overnight underneath a showercap, a headscarf and a wooly hat, to stop me from getting a cold head whilst in bed.  I looked like a right idiot!!!   When I rinsed out the next morning my hair and looked felt great. 

STEP THREE: Stop The Shedding 
1.  Black Tea Rinses 
I decided to rinse my hair with black tea that I had made the night before by pouring boiling hot water onto 4 x PG Tips tea bags.  I poured this cold potion onto my hair and didn't rinse out with water.  I chose to final rinse with aloe vera juice which I hate the smell of (but love the effects when it comes to detangling the texlaxed portion of my hair) so I added some rosemary essential oil to make it smell a little better.  I add rosemary essential oils to everything!

I will be continuing these steps above for the next two weeks to see if the situation improves and amending if neccessary. 

Since Friday my shedding seems to have slowed considerably, which I put down to the black tea rinse but still the breakage continues.  I'm currently considering doing another two step protein treatment or henna for my next wash day when I plan to do my next length and thickness check - time permitting.

Hopefully something will work soon.

In the meantime, I am happy to report that my hair feels sooooooo soft.  I need to make sure I stop touching it  (",)

Ciao 4 Now


MY HAIR ~ PRODUCT OF THE MONTH: Toni & Guy Afro Moisture Lock Hairdryer


During a recent wash day I experienced real 'issues' with drying my hair and stretching out my new growth at the same time.  My new growth was so thick, I just could not get the comb through it.  On top of this, I had to contend with my texlaxed hair and relaxed ends.  In an attempt to sort out my hair, I had to resort to pulling the mid section of my hair so that my newgrowth was stretched and then drying like this.  NOT FUN and I also had concerns that it was not so great for my hair!!!!  At this point, I decided then that it was time to go back to an 'old school' styling tool i.e. a blow dryer - with a pik attachement.

I had two main goals when researching which dryer I wanted to purchase:
1.  First and foremost it had to have a pik attachment, or at least be able to fit one. 

2.  Secondly, I was interested in finding a dryer that didn't over dry my already dry fine strands.

The internet hunt ensued.........
I spent a few hourst trawling the internet for suggested hair dryers which were easy to find here in the UK and hopefully didn't cost a fortune.

Initially I started looking into getting a Wahl Power Pik as I had one of these before (actually, I had two due to one blowing up for some  unexplained reason) way back in the 90's. 

I later and luckily stumbled across theToni & Guy Afro Moisture Lock Hairdryer. As soon as I read that it had a hair pik along with ionic technology and was made especially for afro hair I was hooked.  I managed to find one really easily on the Argos website for the bargain price of £24.47 as they were having a promotion, so I quickly reserved it drove to Argos to make my purchase.

I was dying to carry out an Aphogee Two Step Protein Treatment as I wanted to do this before my relaxer the following week so raced home that day and applied the treatment to my hair.  When it came to time for drying my hair I unpackaged the hair dryer and proceeded to attach the pik and then got stuck in with taming 12 weeks of new growth!  This hairdryer is fab, it tackled the new growth with no issues whatsoever!!!  My hair was left lovely, thick, straight and light to the touch and better still, not overly dry.  RESULT!!! 

I really this hairdryer.  I am so glad I stumbled across it.  It's much gentler on my fine strand than my Babyliss dryer and round brush technique ever was....!

Ciao 4 Now


Friday, 15 April 2011

My HAIR Wants: Some More Products

I need me some HURRR STUFF!!!!

Seeing as I don't live in London it can sometimes be a right pain in the backside trying to get my hands on some products.  Can you believe that I can't even get Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor!!!  C'mon, how long has this brand been around.  It's sooooo annoying!!


I will be placing an order this week with Pak Cosmetics as they are currently running a promotion where they are offering free delivery if your order is over £35.   Even if I don't order £35 worth of items, the delivery cost is cheaper than driving to London and parking.  Don't get me started on parking, I nipped into Superdrug today to stock up on HE BE Split End Cream as it's on offer for £1.95 - BARGAIN right!!!??  No, this was the most expensive hair product I have ever brought as it ended up costing me £150 as my car got clamped *******!!!


Amongst my list of must haves will be the following:

1.  2 x large bottles of Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructur.
2.  1 x bottle of Aphogee Keratin Green Tea Restucturiser.
3.  1 x bottle of Roux Porosity Control Conditioner & Corrector.
4.  A decent 'doesn't break the bank moisturising deep conditioner with no added protein (any suggestions on this one are welcome as I haven't got a clue what to get.
5.  Some extensions as I'll be getting my hair jumbo braided in cornrows in a couple of weeks.

Ciao 4 Now!!!


Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Another Self-Trim #2

Sometimes I feel like I'm gonna end up with no hair on my head!  I am almost obsesed with getting rid of my bone straight relaxed ends and to that end, I can't help trimming my hair!!! 

After my relaxer last Tuesday 5th April, my ends were feeling quite dry, tangling easily and I noticed quite a few split ends at the left hand side of my nape.  I've very rarely ever seen split ends in my hair, I hope this isn't an undesireable side effect of texlaxing.....?  So, with all these factors in  place I knew My HAIR needed to be introduced to the scissors for 'a short date'!!!

This time around I decided to use both my Split Ender and my hair scissors.  To be honest, I only gave myself a minor dusting but that was really all that was needed. In additon, as I haven't blowdried and flat ironed I didn't want to take off too much of the ends as I will probably have another little dust then.

After the dusting, my hair feels and looks so much better.  Less tangles.  Less hair on my hands when I finger comb and style.  I am going to do a tea rinse sometime this weekend to rectify the slight shedding and breakage that I have before it becomes a problem. My hair has great shine and looks so damn thick - I am a happy bunny and very pleased that my last relaxer wasn't a disaster as I thought it had been.

Although I have only gained a little length since July '10 my hair is so much thicker.  As this was the main motivation for starting my hair journey I can live with the thickness over length - no problem.  (",)

Ciao 4 Now

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Relaxer # 1

Well, I couldn't hold off any longer so I decided to relax my hair on Tuesday 5th April.

I'm still not so sure wheter it was such a good idea..... I had originally planned to relax my hair with the help of my mum applying the relaxer to the back of my head as was the case when I last relaxed on 5th January 2011.

Unfortunately my mum was not available to come to mine on the date that I needed to relax my hair and I wasn't feeling travelling to her house after work and then carting all of my hair stuff there with the possibility of leaving something essential behind. I know that at my house I have EVERYTHING I COULD EVER NEED when it comes to 'doing my hair' so I decided to go it alone and relax my hair by myself. I've done it loads of times before so I assumed all would be okay. Well, lets put it this way, after I had finished I thought I had made a BIG MISTAKE for the following reasons!!!

1. I have never self relaxed using Affirm Fiber Guard.
2. I have never self relaxed with 3 months of regrowth.
3. I have never self relaxed with roots that have previously been blow dried.


I went along my merry way and proceeded with my relaxer process which I will document fully in another post at a later date. I based my scalp, mixed two batches of relaxer (so I would not run out like I did last time!) mixing 2tbsp of olive oil into both relxer pots.

I was hoping for texlaxed results however by the time I had finshed applying the relaxer fully making sure not to miss any areas of newgrowth and smoothed what I thought was lightly, 25mins had passed. I figured that this was okay as I think this was around the same amount of time that I relaxed for last time with my mum (I can't be sure though as I did not have this blog when I relaxed in January).

When I washed out the relaxer this is when I noticed the problem. The roots of my hair had been relaxed bone straight!! I was not a happy bunny!!! Not only was I trying to texlax but I started to realise that I could more than likely end up with a myriad of textures in my hair from bone straight roots to tex laxed mid section of about 2-3 inches finishing off with bone straight ends from my salon relaxer days! This would only be further complicated when the new growth gets in on the act six weeks later and I have yet another texture to contend with.

I decided not to blow dry or flat iron my hair in a bid to see what kind of texture I had ended up with. Luckily after a few days and a wash day on 9th April it seems like the problem isn't anywhere near as bad as I'd initially thought. It appears that in the most part my new growth has been texlaxed (actually to a better texture than my last two attempts) and the only parts that I can class as bone straight are the very front of my hair and the area around my temples (oh, and the ends of course!). To be honest I am happy with that. The area on my temples tends to revert quickly so I have to baby this area more than the others usually so with them being straighter I can certainly live with that. The front of my hair is never any bother so I can deal with any texture that wants to be. I'm hoping that I won't be eating my words in 5 weeks time with broken shabby looking hair but I suppose only time will tell....!

What I do know is that come June 14th when I plan to relax at 10 weeks post, I will be booking my mums hands and eyes in advance and letting her do the back of my head once more. My plan of action will be:

1.  Ask Mummy Dearest to apply relaxer to the back of my head.
2.  Continue to use two tubs of Affirm relaxer.
3.  Only leave on for 15 mins.
4.  Minimal smoothing after application.
5.  No blowdrying the week beforehand, even though it makes for easier application....

I've learnt my lesson. I do not want to suffer any setbacks, especially avoidable ones caused by my own impatience!!!

Ciao 4 Now

Saturday, 2 April 2011

I ♥ My New Shoes, Fifth Addition

Hence from Dune
Product Details from Dune Website:
Curve pattern detail beige court shoe.  Soft suede with high block black heel
Hidden platform with contrast trim.
Heel height, 12cm.

Okay, so I have gone just-a-little-crazy on the shoe purchasing this month (actually it's only been in the space of one week).

I went into Dune yesterday and tried on these beauties which were on display in my size.  I had seen them on Dune's website in the sale. 

They were £60 reduced from £85 but like the Hessian shoes they were still full price instore.  RESULT!!!

Ciao 4 Now

Wash Day 11: Aphogee Two Step Protein Treatment

After my last wash day I experienced some difficulty in detangling my new-growth and an unpleasent 'coated' feeling to my hair. I decided that this is my hair telling me that it is time to relax my hair.   This being the case, I decided to wash my hair and carry out a hard protein treatment in preparation for my relaxer next week.

My HAIR today:
Is in two flat twists.   I feel like I have a ton of regrowth on the crown of my head and my nape area is itching like mad!!!! I have also spotted two split ends in my nape area.  I never have really been a sufferer of split ends before.  I hope this is not a typical occurance with texlaxed hair, which has a dryer coarser texture than bone straight relaxed hair.

Pre-Poo Routine:
I didn't prepoo today as I wasn't sure whether I should when doing a hard protein treatment.  I did however, detangle as I always do in sections.  I decided to section into 6 sections (secured into three two strand twists on each side).  I then held each two strand twist in place on my scalp with a mini claw clip.

Wash Routine:
I washed each individual section of my hair with Aphogee Shampoo For Dry & Damaged Hair. This is a protein shampoo and leaves the hair feeling very clean but not stripped.  I rinsed the shampoo from my hair by rinsing each section then I put a towel on my hair for 10mins.

Protein Treatment:
1.  I poured a suitable amount of the Aphogee Two Step Protein Treatment into a spray bottle as it's easier to apply this way. 
2.  Next I unwound each section and detangled lightly.
3.  I then sprayed the protein treatment into the roots, lengths and ends of my hair making sure to saturate each strand whilst smooting with my hands.  I decided that combing through with this amount of new-growth was not a viable option today if I wanted to avoid uncessary breakage!!!
4.  I then clipped each section of my hair up using the mini claw clips and wiped all the drips of the protein treatment from my face and neck (and curtains!!!  Don't ask!!!!) and then sat under a hot hooded dryer for about 30mins until the protein treatment was hard on my hair.  When the protein treatment is hard in your hair you must be careful not to aggitate the hair as it is likely to break easily in this rock hard state.
5.  After the 30mins had passed I carefully moved from under the dryer and carefully rinsed the treatment from my hair.
6.  I then followed up the treatment with a little Roux Porosity Control Conditioner & Corrector for one minute and then put a towel on my head for 10mins.
7. After 10mins, I applied som Bee Mine Bee-U-Ti-Ful Deep Conditioner and sat under the dryer with a shower cap on my hair for 1hr.

Final Steps:
After rinsing the deep conditioning treatment from my hair I applied my leave ins and blow dried using my new Toni & Guy hairdryer for afro hair which comes with a pik comb (I am pretty impressed with this hairdryer and will do a review after using it a few more times).

Ciao 4 Now


"Hey T, What Can I Do For My Hair?"

To my surprise, this is a question I have been asked twice this week.  Once from my very good friend and once from my Lil Sis!!!!  The reason for the exclamation marks is because I am so chuffed to bits that my Lil Sis has started to try a few things out on her hair.  She has beautiful hair which is naturally thick and with only a few minor changes to her routine, I just know her hair will flourish and more than likely overtake mine!  (",)

Below are extracts from the emails that I sent to these two lovely ladies:

To my Lil Sis: 
Points to note, my sis does not like oil or grease in her hair.  She is a no nonsense with my hair kinda girl.  She likes a simple regimen and hates heavy hair products and faff!!

Coconut oil - is amazing, makes your hair strong. My guess is you don't like the feel of oil in your hair so you could make a great deep conditoner by adding this to your Organic Root Stimulator Replenishing conditoner.  Or, you could heat some oil gently till it's warm in the microwave and apply that to your hair and leave on during the evening that you are going to wash your hair.  You could also add the rosemary essential oil to this and use for scalp massages. 

Pure coconut oill usually looks white in the bottle and is solid.  You can keep it liquid by keeping in a warm place like the airing cupboard.  This stuff is amazing, I use it on my hair (keeps my dry newgrowth really soft) and also on my body and face too.  It's so cheap!!!

If you can find Vatika coconut oil, this is good, doesn't smell that great but makes your hair so so soft and contains natural ingredients which are great for your hair.

Washing your hair:  Try not to wash every week with clarifying or chelating shampoos like ORS creamy aloe shampoo.  Although it makes your hair soft and clean, it is very harsh as a weekly shampoo, for regular shampooing you need something more moisturising.  Try to use the chelating or clarifying shampoos only once a month.  An example would be Elasta QP Creme moisturising shampoo or Bee Mine Moisturing Botanical Shampoo because both of these have no sulphates which do tend to dry out your hair.

To my Good Friend
Points to note:  This girl has minimal time to spend on her hair.  Whereas I am happy to spend a whole evening henna'ing my hair my girl has no time and would rather spend her time doing other things.  She was recently advised by her stylist to blow out her roots when it's time for her relaxer to stop them from breaking when they become dry.....!

I was thinking that the following could help you out when your roots turn crispy like the soles of your feet (",)

1.  Defo don't use hair grease on any part of your hair.  Natural oils are the way to go.

2.  Try using some castor oil on your roots and pay particular attention to the crispiest parts of your hair.  You could also use coconut oil (can get it in any Indian shop) that softens up new growth nicely and is not as heavy as castor oil.  You could try mixing the two which is what I do. Coconut oil is often solid in a bottle but you can also find it in jars which is great.  I use it for my hair, body and face too!  It's brilliant stuff.

3.  Make sure you deep condition your hair with a moisturising conditioner every week to get the moisture back into it.  That also means washing your hair every week (instead of every 2 weeks!).  For your deep conditioner a good cheap and effective one that is moisturising and a light protein is Organic Root Stimulator Replenishing Conditoner.  Mix it with some castor oil and coconut oil to make it extra good it will soften your hair really well, especially when kept on overnight or for a few hours if you can.

4.  Try not to blow dry every time you wash your hair.  I don't agree with blowdrying your roots regularly.  If you moisturise correctly you shouldn't have to resort to blowdrying which can be overly drying and damaging to your hair.

One thing I would say is the best way to keep your roots from being crispy is to add moisture moisture moisture.  The best way to do this is with water.  Cowashing, washing with must conditioner is great too as it's less drying than shampoo.  One thing that I do is get an old spray bottle, put some water or rose water in it and add either some hair moisturiser, conditioner or leave-in conditioner and a little oil into the bottle and shake it up.  I then spray this on my roots.  Not too much so it's soaking but just a little misting.  This helps my roots and lenghts of my hair to keep moisturised.  I keep it in my handbag just incase I need it. (",)  Yes, I am obsessed!!!

These tips seemed to have helped my friends so just posting here so I can direct anymore friends to this page at a later date.

Ciao 4 Now

I ♥ My New Shoes, Fourth Addition (",)

Hessian from Dune
Product Detail from Dune Website:
Raffia platform feature grey court shoe.  Patent leather with contrast pipe trim. 
Rope effect sole and almond toe point
Heel height: 13cm

I really ♥ these, they are beautiful!!!!  They are grey/blue in colour, very high and very gorgeous!!!! 

These beauties were an impulse buy from the Dune website and were reduced from £90 to £45. What a complete bargain, especially as the nude/cream version and the pewter/snake skin version are still full price.  Again, these were still full price instore.  I can't wait to wear them!!!

Ciao 4 Now

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