Sunday, 25 October 2015

Wash Day Diary: 22.10.15

"It's been a minute since I pulled together a wash day post!"

Over recent months I have either written posts or taken photos for posts which I have not typed up  and those poor half-posts never saw the light in the blogsphere but this one has.  I can't remember when my last Wash Day Diary was posted but this one will give a little insight into how simplified my wash days have become and also a fair few photos of the texture of my hair and its current length.


Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Review: JORD Wood Watch ~ Zebrawood & Maple

JORD Fieldcrest watch

"Oooooohhh weeeeee, I am super excited to show you my gorgeous new JORD Wood Watch!"
*Press Sample

Recently I was contacted by the lovely people at JORD Wood Watches who asked whether I wanted to review one of their unique natural wood timepieces.  I jumped at the chance as I have never seen a watch like this before and the natural wood tones really appealed to me.


Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Growing Fro!

Afro hair 4a, 4c natural hair

"Just thought I would check in and share a couple of pictures of my fro and how she is coming along."

Believe it or not, my hair is actually growing and retaining length but my shrinkage is CRAZY!  So is my shedding, although that may have something to do with the fact that I have been lazier than a lazy thing when it comes to taking my iron tablets....


Sunday, 26 July 2015

Wig Review: Introducing The Fingercomber 'Kinky Kurl Out'

Fingercomber Kinky Kurl 4a, 4c natural hair HHJ Protective style

"I have lusted after this unit for weeks and now I have my very own Finger Comber Kinky Kurl Out.....and I absolutely LOVE IT!!!!"

When I finally had the time to place an order, I discovered that that the unit was no longer available in Chestnut Black 1b (FingerComber' have a unique colour coding system and don't use the normal 1, 1b, 2, 4 etc). Anyway, I decided that it was about time I introduced a little colour into my life so I looked at getting the Chestnut Black with Auburn Highlihts.  After all, I loved my last set of crochet braids and the version with  highlights not only looked beautiful, it also reminded me of those crochet braids but dare I say, nicer!  


Friday, 17 July 2015

Wig Review: Introducing 'The Big Chop Wig'

Toni Daley Big Chop Wig 4a, 4c natural hair HHJ Protective style

"Earlier this month I reviewed the fabulous Toni Wig and the very same day I found that Toni Daley had brought out a new shorter unit called the 'Big Chop Wig'....."

 Of course I had to add it to my collection......!


Saturday, 4 July 2015

Wig Review: Introducing 'The Toni' Half Wig

"Recently during an afternoon of YouTube watching I stumbled across a video about the Toni Wig and I was hooked!"

Then followed serveral hours of watching unboxing video after unboxing video and finally I reached the decision to get this unit and boi, am I pleased that I did as not only do I have a fab wig, I also get to do another wig review for you...


Thursday, 28 May 2015

Lush Caca Noir Henna Review: 26.05.15

"It's henna time!"

Boi, it's been AGES since I last done one of these awesome treatments and I never realised how much I missed them until I did this earlier this week.  I usually make my own henna gloss but this time I decided to opt for convenience by using the Lush Caca Noir henna which contains indigo for a rich brown result.  The perfect opportunity for a product review!


Sunday, 11 January 2015

I Big Chopped!!!

"Ain't nothing much worth blogging about been going on with my hair - but this right here I had to pop in and tell you."

I big chopped last night (10.01.15) and I couldn't be happier.

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