"My wash days seem to be coming thick and fast... I seem to have fallen comfortably into a 10(ish) day wash day cycle. At the moment, anything between 10-14 days seems best for me and my hair."
True to form, I decided that I wanted to try out yet another new product, but this time it wasn't some hard to find magical product, nope it was something I always have in my kitchen cupboards - good old sunflower oil! Yep, I'm talking Flora and it appears my hair LOVED IT!

The picture above shows what my hair looked like at the start of my wash day. I have been wearing these 10 twists underneath my wig units during the week. My hair has felt soft and moisturised all week and I have been applying a mix of castor oil and Taliah Waajid Hair mist bodifier to my scalp every other day.
These are the steps I followed for this wash day: