Saturday, 28 September 2013

Henna Gloss 21.09.13

“At the weekend I finally got around to doing my long outstanding henna gloss treatment. I can’t say I was looking forward to it as the whole process takes entirely too long, but it is worth it so needs must and all that!” 

I used my now tried and trusted recipe but tweaked it a little as I have some open boxes of auyedic powders that I want to use up. I started by brewing a mug of tea and in a separate bowl I soaked 2 x tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in some boiling water.


Monday, 16 September 2013

Update: Ouch, I’ve Become Even More Tender-headed!

 “I’ve always been tender-headed and I was so happy when I learned how to braid my own hair as I can regulate the tension to suit how tender my head was at any one time.”

I remember back to the days when my mum used to braid my hair and I would complain the whole time about how much it was hurting me. I used to dread getting my hair done on a Sunday night. Over the years this improved but I was definitely at the high end of the tender scalp scale.


Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Simply Into My HAIR Simplified

“In recent weeks I have decided that I will be moving the focus on my hair to a minimal level.”

In other words, I will be ‘keeping it simple’, well as simple as My HAIR will allow.


Monday, 9 September 2013

Update: Protein, Henna & Colour Treatments

 “Even though I cut back on my hair care regimen a few months ago, I still carried on with some of my hair care treatments – in particular my protein treatments.”

I carried out a hard protein treatment a few days prior to 10th July. For the protein treatment I used Aphogee Two Step which is a product I haven’t used for about 2 years after suffering protein from a protein overload. I am not sure if it worked properly because the bottle was pretty old and I despite shaking the bejeeebers out of it, after rinsing the product out of my hair I realised that a significant amount of product had settled in the bottom on the bottle. I will do another Two Step treatment in about 4 weeks time.


Product Review: Aquatiere Refillable Shower Filter Head

"After my post I about needing a new shower filter head I thought it would be useful to come back and share with you my thoughts on my final choice of replacement."

I ended up purchasing the Chrome Shower Handle from the UK based company Aquatiere. After speaking to the sales representative (yes, I called them with a ton of questions!) it seemed like the best option and trust me I am so not disappointed with my choice.


Sunday, 8 September 2013

Update: Shedding, Breakage & Hair Loss

 "My hair still continues to shed!!!"

The picture above shows the hair shed during my last crochet braid take down which is very compacted.  I was going to add a series of photos to this post to show what I have to deal with every wash day but it's too depressing!

What I have done though is added a picture below of the hair shed on my most recent wash day on 03.09.13 at 6 weeks post relaxer and a couple from the past couple of years for comparison purposes.


Update: Bee Mine Growth Serum

"Over the past weeks/months I have been more consistent with the application of my growth serum."

I think this improvement  in consistency has a lot to do with discovering that I have a really dry scalp!!!  Also the fact that I don’t hate the smell of the Bee Mine growth serum really makes it less of a chore to apply it on a regular basis.


Update: Time To Reassess My Long Term Protective Styles

"Despite my huge love of long-term protective styles, I have decided to give them a complete swerve for probably the next 12 months."

I will still be heavily reliant on protective styles throughout the coming year but I plan to use a combination of wigs which I will use in rotation.


Friday, 6 September 2013

Update: Relaxer Day #8 23.07.13

"Because I have been unwell, I kinda just got on with doing things to my hair as and when they needed to be done.....  If I happend to have a camera charged and didn't look too rough then I would take a few pictures to document the activity."

Unfortunately I was both looking and feeling not so fantastic on relaxer day, so I only took a few pictures prior to relaxing my hair.


Thursday, 5 September 2013

Wash Day Diary @ 6 Weeks Post: 03.09.13 [cowash]

"So, I'm back to blogging with a quick post on my latest wash day diary.  Unfortunately I didn't take any photos during my wash day (I looked shocking!) but I thought I'd do a quick post about it anyway seeing as it went well."

I've been away again for quite sometime, around 3 months I think.  I've been very unwell with glandular fever which knocked me for six.  I'll be posting proper updates on what I've been doing with my hair and my plans going forward.

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