Wednesday, 24 April 2013

"What Are Your Thoughts On Going Natural?"

"I recently received a comment on one of my wash day posts regarding my shedding issues. Along with this was a question asking 'What are your thought on going natural?' " 

Okay....okay, the picture above is is NOT how my hair would look if it were natural - but one can have dreams ....right?!  If my hair would look like this I would have been sporting natural hair a long time ago....!

Anyway, back to the original question which came through anonymously .  Along with wanting to know what my thoughts were on 'going natural', the commenter also stated that she 'would love know my reasons and thoughts!'.  So, I thought I would oblige.


Product Haul: April 2013

"Okay, so I should be on a ban but I had to restock on staples so threw a couple of newbies in the cart when nobody was looking!"

I think I need to keep my card firmly in my purse for the rest of the year expect for strictly restocking on staples!


Sunday, 21 April 2013

Wash Day Diary @ 4 Weeks Post: 20.04.13

"Last week my wash day was a day or so late.....this week I opted to bring it forward by a day or so"

These are the steps I followed for this shampoo wash:


Saturday, 20 April 2013

Wash Day Diary @ 3 Weeks Post: 15.04.13

"After a busy Sunday afternoon I made the decision not to wash my hair that night as I was just too tired to consider doing it!"

I really want to ensure that I keep on top of my 12 week schedule and the application of my growth serum, so I didn't want to overshoot my wash day by too many days so I opted to do it on Monday night instead.

Below are the brief steps I followed during this wash day:-


Saturday, 13 April 2013

Wash Days @ 1 & 2 Weeks Post: 31.03.13 & 07.04.13

 "I've had two wash days since my last relaxer day, both of which went without a hitch or insane shedding, which is always welcome."
Below are the steps I followed during each:

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