Monday, 14 January 2013

Wash Day Diary @ 3 Weeks Post: 13.01.13

"I’ve not combed my hair since my last wash day. Yep, it was definitely starting to look a bit like a tangled birdsnest, but I just left it alone and continued bunning for the week with no harm done."

The lack of combing, finger combing and generally messing with my hair resulted in pretty much no shedding for the week, on the days I did shed, I only shed about 20 long strands (with the bulb attached) and had zero notable breakage. RESULT!!!

These are the steps I followed for this wash day.


Saturday, 5 January 2013

Happy New Year & My New Year Clip In's


"I know it's late but..... I really hope you all had a great Christmas and that 2013 is a fantastic year for you, your family and those closest to you!"

I finally made another set of clip ins on 21st December to wear to my works Christmas Party and also to wear on New Years Eve.   My last set lasted 5+ years but I felt that the the hair was a little past its best after such a long time.  It is also a different colour to my hair now which is 1b as I apply a colour rinse using Adore Darkest Brown.


Wash Day Diary 29.12.12 & 02.01.13 @ 1 Week Post

"So far I have washed my hair twice since I relaxed it in December!  I have also flat ironed my hair TWICE in the space of two weeks!"

I flat ironed my hair on 21st December because I wanted to wear my new clip in extenstions for my work Christmas Do.  I used Treseme Heat Defence spray as my heat protectant and got great results - no shedding and no breakage.  I flat ironed my hair again when we went out on NYE beause I was wearing my clip in's again and also as a treat for my boyfriend,.  This means I have worn my hair straight throughout the entire Christmas break, much to his approval!!! 

These are the steps I followed during my wash days in an attempt to nurse my hair back to life!

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