Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Relaxer Day # 7: 19.12.12

"My newgrowth has been feeling incredibly soft and manageable this week!  I don’t know whether this is just due to the Wild Growth Oil that I have been using on my newgrowth, or if it is from my recent conditioning cap avec steamer experiment but it really doesn't feel like MY HAIR. Either way, these two things will form a regular part of my hair regimen once my newgrowth starts popping up to say "Hey!".

Despite the fact that my hair has been realy soft, I decided to relax my hair as quite frankly, I couldn't face the prospect of another wash day dealing with tangles and a mass of newgrowth.  Even though this stretch was only 19 weeks long, it felt like I had almost the same amount of new growth as I did during my 27 week stretch last year!


Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Product Haul: December 2012

"I've not done one of these for a long time - because I have been sticking to my self imposed purchasing ban for like f-o-r-e v e r!!!"

I needed to restock on my relaxer which I cannot buy locally so I thought I would add a few more things to the basket which I also needed to restock on:

Monday, 10 December 2012

Wash Day Diary @ 18 Weeks Post: 09.12.12

"It took about 3hrs to take out the crochet braids.  I did so by unbraiding my hair which released the crocheted in extension hair.  I ended up with a tiny piece of matted hair at the nape which I will have a go at releasing over the next few days."

For my post protective style wash day, these are the steps I followed:


Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Curling My Fifth Set Of Crochet Braids

"If you follow me on Facebook you will know that I completed the final step of the style I had planned for this set of crochet braids.  On the 25th November I curled the straight Kanekalon hair using perm rods and boiling hot water - I was so scared I would end up giving myself third degree burns!"

Despite my fears it was a really simple process and didn't take too long at all - infact I actually reset the curls again the following week.  These are the steps I followed, along with a few photos:

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