Saturday, 30 June 2012

Wash Day Diary @ 11 & 12 Weeks Post: 23rd & 30th July

"I did a cowash last week and didn't actually get around to posting about the wash day because it was pretty uneventful!"

I followed the same super quick process and products for both wash days. Here are the steps I followed:


Thursday, 28 June 2012

My HAIR & Why...?: A New Series Of Posts

Some of you who check in on my blog may have noticed that the button above is now proudly established in the sidebar.  The reason for this is because I have decided to start a new series of posts outlining exactly why I use certain products and why I do certain things to My HAIR. 


Friday, 22 June 2012

My HAIR Story: A Little Snipet Of My Long Hair Journey (Pt 1)

"I've recently been working on pulling together my Hair Story.  I have almost finished it, just needs tweaking a bit, followed by a good old rummage through the photo album.   I thought I could add a little snippet to the blog before I put the actual My Hair Story page up when it's all done."

0-2 Years

I was born with a full head of hair! Like most newborns, my hair was fine in texture.  Even still, way back then I think I had a lovely curl pattern going on, even if I do say so myself (“,)

2 months old

Thursday, 21 June 2012

D.I.Y. Braid Spray

"My new growth was feeling pretty dry all day yesterday, so when I got home I gave it a thorough spritzing with my homemade spritz."

I have been using this particular mix for just over a week and have only used it two or three times but I already love it.  I've made and used a similar mix last year but I prefer this version as it is much lighter as I omited the conditioner this time around.


Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Wash Day Diary @ 10 Weeks Post: 19.06.12 ~ Yet Another Kinky Twist Wash Day

"Just a quick wash day today."

These are the steps I followed:


Thursday, 14 June 2012

My HAIR On My Mind @ 10 Weeks Post

I'm still in ♥ with these kinky twists!  The lack of fuss and not having to really think about my hair is a welcome break!  Of course I am still looking after my own hair but there is only so much I can (or want) to do to it.  Unfortunately, I suppose it makes for a lack of blogging variety.

Sorry about that Ladies (".)


Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Wash Day Diary @ 9 Weeks Post: 11.06.12 ~ Another Kinky Twist Wash Day

"Finally.....I've now had a chance (but not the perfect weather!), to get around to washing my kinky twists for the 2nd time during this install."

I could see zero build up despite not washing my hair in ages **hangs head in shame** despite the fact I have been moisturing twice a day with my diluted Taliah Waajid mix and sealing every 3-4 days with grapeseed oil.  I've also been applying JBCO (or grapeseed oil if that is closer to hand) to my hairline every day.  I am surprised at the lack of build up but I'm certainly not complaining!!

So, another simple wash day in twists for me, and these are the steps I followed:


Sunday, 10 June 2012

Tidying Up My Kinky Twists

"I tidied up my twists last week 31st May I had a night out planned for the 1st June and wanted my hair to look as neat as possible."

I tidied up the back first on 29.05.12 and then a couple of days later I redid the twists at the front hairline and along the centre parting during the evening of 31st May.  I periodically undo braids which feel a little bit too loose or overtaken by new growth for my liking.

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