Saturday, 31 March 2012

Wash Day: 31.03.12

“I haven’t shampoo’d or cowashed my hair since last Saturday.   My HAIR well and truly needed a wash and a thorough detangling ~ but I was dreading having a shedding nightmare on my hands!”

My hair this week has been in a bun using some synthetic bulk braid hair (the cheapo stuff for 99p) to make the bun. I have taken the bun down every night and either moisturised my hair loads and sealed in sections or just carried a quick moisturise with my moisturising spritz containing aloe vera juice, water and Elasta QP Mango Butter and Olive Oil and seal combo concentrating on the perimeter, length, ends and the parts of my hair which are exposed to the elements when in the bun.  At night I have removed the hair tie, plaited or twisted the ends and tucked them under, whilst keeping my hair formed in the style of a bun for ease of styling the following morning. I then repeat the moisturising and sealing process in the morning.

My HAIR TIE:  I have found that using this type of hair tie (which is actually a headband) worls best for me as it puts much less stress on my strands and takes out little to no strands when it is removed every evening.  I loop it around on itself three times and then look the hair tie around my hair twice.  It works well and has no rough bits of glue exposed to snag my hair.


Tuesday, 27 March 2012

My HAIR on My Mind: Shedding ...!

"The past few days have been horrible for me, so far as my hair is concerned. In totally honesty, it is really getting me down. And it’s the same old story EXCESSIVE SHEDDING!”

I have been shedding a lot. It is getting to the point where I have been questioning continuing with this HHJ. I am almost 2 years into this journey and my hair, although it is thicker, it certainly isn’t anywhere near where I think it should be at this stage of my journey.  I even had to do yet another trim to deal with the effects in an attempt to nip it in the bud before it gets worse.

In the years pre HHJ when I shed like this I just got on with it and wasn’t in the least bit worried seeing my hair all over the floor of every room. It was ‘normal’ so it really wasn’t a problem. But now that I am aware of the health of my hair and scalp and the damage shedding and breakage can do, I really am bothered about my hair going through this phase yet again. It seems to have been continuous over the past year and it REALLY IS BOTHERING ME. It’s upsetting, almost to the point where it is depressing me! So much so I was thinking of taking a break from blogging altogether, Not posting. Not reading other hair blogs. No YouTube viewing. No research. Nothing!!!

Friday, 23 March 2012

Wash Day Diary: 21.03.12

"It was finally time to let go of the crochet braids and wash my hair."

I started the process of removing the crochet braids at around 6pm.  What with p*ssing about taking photos of my new cropped do and cooking dinner it took ages.  I didn't start applying my deep conditioner mix (the first step in the wash day process) until about 8.30pm! 


Thursday, 22 March 2012

I Big Chopped...!

" you think it suits me?"


Wednesday, 21 March 2012

MN: 2½ Week Update (pics)

"Finally the pictures decided to upload."

Apologies but these are not the best pics, as I had to take them with my mobile using my reflection in the mirror.  Hopefully you can see the growth.  I don't think it has changed much since last week but the growth is more than I would normally have at this stage.


MN: 2½ Week Update

“After 2½ weeks of applying the MN, I must say that I really like the results so far!”

(Pictures to follow as Blogger Droid is really not having any of it when it comes to uploading my pictures!) 

Friday, 16 March 2012

Wash Day with Crochet Braids: 12.03.12

"I did it!  I took the plunge and shampoo'd the crochet braids."


Thursday, 15 March 2012

I Want Afro Kinky Crochet Braids...!

Brown Skin
"These are really beautiful!  I think I have a future experiment lined up...!"

I recently stumbled across a blog called Brown Skin.  The author of this blog is French and I am totally diggin' her style and of course lovin' HER HAIR! 


Monday, 12 March 2012

MN: 1 Week Update

"So, I have been using MN for just over a week now and just giving a quick update on what I think of it thus far."

Easy To Make
This stuff was super easy to put together.  The tube of Daktarin is 1oz.  I used a 4oz bottle so I measured out 1oz of Hemp Seed Oil (which was already decanted into a Sally's applicator bottle with 1oz measurements on the side.  I then guestimated 1oz of JBCO as I didn't want to waste any by measuring in one bottle just to tip it into another.  When it was all poured into the 4oz bottle I used common sense to see if it looked like 3oz when compared to the size of the bottle.


Sunday, 11 March 2012

Crochet Braids: Maintenance

"Maintiaing my crochet braids has been super super easy!  For the most part, in the mornings I just shake and go...  I leave any fussing with my hair to the evenings when I have time on my hands, so that in the morning I just take off my scarf, shake and I'm out the door!  BLISS!!!!"

Don't get me wrong, these braids do take a little bit of maintenance to keep them looking good, but it really isn't that much at all.   I usually 'work on the braids' every 3 days but no more often than that: 


Wednesday, 7 March 2012

YIKES....How Much Stuff Have You Got!!!!

"Hello, My name is Tama and I think I have a problem,  I am a serious PRODUCT JUNKIE!!!"

Wow!!!! Just look at the list below which details every single item I currently have for my hair.  That's it, I am not buying anymore products (apart from restocking staples and extension hair for protective styles). 

I will purchase nothing until I use up all of the stuff I already have that is not highlighted as a staple product.


Monday, 5 March 2012

Growth Aid: I'm Trying MN...!

"Okay, as I am all protective styled up for the foreseeable, I've decided to give MN a try.  Hopefully I will get some decent results to make up for all the hair I lost last year due to my shedding."

I made up a mixture on Friday 2nd March consisting of:


Friday, 2 March 2012

Crochet Braids: Updo - Style #2

 "Tis my hairstyle for of the day"

I have taken to wearing my crochet braids up during the day.  It is a good way to tame the curls during a day at the office.

Once I takedown the updo the curls spring straight back into place just like the picture above.


This Is What Happened Today…...

"Earlier today I made my last drop into my local (rubbish – due to lack of choice, despite being a fair size) BSS. Due to spending loads in February I will be on a self imposed product ban from now through to June (with the exception of restocking my staple products and braid hair for protective styles). "

I went in to pick up some moisturising styling gel as I don’t want to keep using my Bee Mine Bee Hold on this synthetic hair as it’s not cheap nor locally available, therefore I can think of better use for it than on these crochet braids. I also wanted to pick up some more iC 1 Minute Super Concentrated Reconstructor as I give up ever finding Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor where I live, besides I brought this iC reconstructor at the beginning of my hair journey and I have always been impressed by the results every time I have used it so figured why not just keep buying that for now.

Anyway…………onto the reason for this post!

Whilst perusing the aisles for a gel that didn’t make me feel ill due to the sickly artificial smell and one that I could stand getting a whiff of throughout the day whilst it’s in my hair, which was both moisturising without the addition of glycerine (it was not an easy task let me tell you!), I overheard a woman requesting help from a man who works in the store. The shop is black owned and all of the workers are black and I think this is a really good thing, even though I do find it to be more expensive than the other shops in my town.

The lady I overheard was enquiring about a RELAXER…. Now, my ears pricked up being the hair bore that I am, I was bound to be interested in the advice she was about to receive.
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