Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Wash Day Diary 21.09.11

"Today my hair, especially my new growth (of which I have at least 1.5inches since my last relaxer in mid June 2011) are feeling very dry.  I think it's time some moisture in the form of a cowash."

As I took my kinky twists out last Friday I decided to do a protein treatment.  I wasn't at home so I had to improvise a little.  Luckily I had some ORS Replenishing Conditioner, which I mixed with a couple of tablespoons of EVOO and heated in the microwave until nicely warm.

Once warmed, I mixed the conditioner until it fully emulsified and then applied to my hair in four sections, plaited and secured with my wash clips.  I then covered my hair with cling film and then a towel and left it on for just over an hour.

I decided that I didn't actually need to cowash my hair so I just rinsed out the deep conditioner and then applied my strengthening leave in mix (Aphogee Provitamin Leave In Conditioner, Infusion 23 and water mixed in a spray bottle) and Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Treatment and sealed with coconut oil and air dried.  Once 80-90% dry I detangled each section.

Now, let me tell you, I lost hardly any hair whatsoever in this wash process.

Total Shed Hair  (Bottom ~ Detangling prior to wash, Middle ~ During wash, Top ~ Detangling after wash)

All shed hair grouped together

Above but compacted

The tiny amount lost shocked me.  So much so that I thought, heck - if it aint broke don't fix it and this prompted me to make the decision to put my kinky twists back in again.  Initially I was hesistant to do so because I don't know how I will cope with the new growth at the end of having these new twists in for 5-6 weeks but hey, judging by the amount of hair lost, I'm willing to see what happens and tackle the new growth - very carefully.

Ciao 4 Now

Saturday, 17 September 2011

My HAIR This Week

Picture taken the week before I took out the Kinky Twists
"I decided to take out my kinky twists on Friday and it took me ages to get them out."

I decided to take the twists out in four sections (i.e. the sections used to relax) I started off well with carefully detangling each braid and then coating the strands in coconut conditioner.  Once I had about 5 or so braids undone, I twisted them together.  This worked well for the two back sections but by the time I got to the front two sections I was fed up with the whole process and started detangling after taking out all the braids in that section!  This worked out okay but I think the one-by-one system worked out better for the detangling process overall.

After taking out the kinky twists I was happy with the following:
  • The amount of hair I lost during the detangling process
  • The feel of my hair

I decided that as my hair was still pretty clean and had hardly any build up, that I would be able to get away with a cowash, instead of a shampoo wash. 

I started by prepooing my hair with  to cowash with Alter Ego Garlic Conditioner and Vatika Strengthening Hot Oil Treatment mixed with a tablespoon of castor oil.  I then sat under my heat cap for 1hr with the conditioner on my hair.  I then started to cowash with Alberto Balsam Raspberry conditioner, starting on one of the sections at the back but felt a little dry so decided to shampoo wash with Elasta QP Conditioning Creme Shampoo instead.  This was a great idea and my hair felt great after the wash.

I then proceeded to deep condition my hair with Matrix Biolage Conditioning Balm and sat under my heat cap for another hour.  I would have slept with this on overnight but I had to go out the next morning to go and get our new dog, 2yr old GSP bitch whom we've named Macey!

Anyway, back to all things hair......

After rinsing out my hair, I proceeded to add my leave ins, a little Bee Mine Luscious and then air dried for an hour and a half or so.  Next, I proceeded to detangle my hair carefully in sections.  The back of my hair was really easy to detangle, however the front two sections were quite matted in some areas.  I lost minimal hair during the detantling (at 80-90% dry) but I really did take my time with it!  I was up until 3am doing it!!!

I will add some pics at a later date showing the total amount of hair lost during the 6 week period of having the kinky twists in as I don't have my camera with me at the moment.

In the end, my hair looked full, soft and clean.  I was really impressed with the kinky twist experience overall.  I am still unsure of what my next step will be with regards to relaxing in two weeks or re twisting in a weeks time......

Ciao 4 Now

Monday, 12 September 2011



"I should really entitle this post My Trusty GHD Straighteners as I really do love these.   They are worth every penny of the £119 I paid, even if I do have a rather unconventional way of using them!"

I brought my Gold Glamour GHD set from ASOS in February 2008 and have not used another straighener (flat iron) since.  These are great!!!  They really do straighten your hair extrememly well.  I have however, always had an issue with the fact that they get incredibly hot.  As a result, I could never imagine using these in the conventional way.  My hair for as long as I can remember has always had very fine strands.  Therefore, using these straighteners at full heat is just not an option for my delicate hair.  I have always used these by turning them on and then waiting for the second set of beeps which indicates that they have reached their 'useable' heat setting. I then flick the switch to turn the straighteners off before I put those suckers anywhere near my hair!  I use them like this until the temperature cools and then I repeat the process of turning them on, waiting for the second set of beeps and then turn them off.  Initially I thought that this practice might reduce the lifespan of the GHD's but they have suffered no noticeable ill effects thus far and still work great, look great and smell great - no burning smelling grease covered straightners for me thanks!  I remember my sister laughing at me when she saw how I used them and she commented about the point of getting GHD's is because they get hot.  That's as maybe but for me the point in getting them is that they glide smoothly through my hair, don't burn my skin ever and always do a great job using my "on/off" method!!  (",)

When I brought the straighteners they were on special offer as the original selling price was £150.  I thought that the £119 I paid for them was a great deal as the straighteners alone were selling for approx £110 alone at the time and the box came with some extras which I thought was a great deal:

GHD IV styler enclosed within the brilliant gold giftbox!
GHD metallic clutch bag (heat proof for storage of the ghd)
GHD metallic coin/mirror case
GHD compact mirror
GHD creation spray 50ml
GHD thermal protector - normal to fine 50ml
GHD instructional dvd

I would definitely purchase this styling tool again  - in a heartbeat.  GHD probably now have a version where you can change the temperature but if not I will continue to use the same method using a brand new set of straighteners.
Ciao 4 Now

It's Almost Time To Say Goodbye.....

"To my wonderful kinky twists!  I can't believe that it has been almost 6 weeks since I installed these.  I love them and have really enjoyed having them in my hair, although at the same time I do miss my actual hair."

I plan to take them out this coming Friday. I will then treat my hair to a protein treatment followed by a long overdue deep conditioning treatment with a moisturising conditioner using my steamer.  I can't wait!!!  Then a few days later I do a long overdue henna treatment.

At the moment I am still undecided about whether to reinstall the kinky twists after giving my hair a break for a week or whether to texlax my hair again two weeks after taking out the kinky twists.  I'll have to make that decision in weeks time.

Ciao 4 Now

Thursday, 8 September 2011

My Hair Wants: September 2011

"I am posting this list of products so the next time I'm in the hair shop or online ordering I don't have to try and remember all the things I need to restock on or try.  At the moment my memory is rubbish so hoping this helps."

  • Matrix Biolage Conditioning Balm
  • Matrix Biolage Ultra Hydrating Balm
  • Matrix Biolage Cera-Repair Pro4™- in-salon treatment
  • Joico Moisture Recover Treatment Balm
  • Organix Coconut Conditioner
  • Roux Porosity Control Conditioner
  • Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor
  • Elasta QP DPR 11 (I might give this another try..)
  • Henna
  • Hibiscus Powder
  • Hemp Seed Oil
  • Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor
  • JBCO
  • Taliah Waajid Protective Mist Bodifier  
  • Marley Braid extension hair (2)
  • Hair One Cleanser 
  • VO5 Moisture Milk Conditioner

Ciao 4 Now

I've Redone Some of My Twists & Changed My Moisturising Spritz

"I'm planning to go out for dinner with my sister and her friends to celebrate her 30th birthday this weekend, so I think I need to tidy up these twists a bit as both my sister and I are a little camera happy when it comes to nights out!" 

I started out thinking I would just redo the perimeter of the front of my twists but soon realised that I would need to redo a little more than I had originally planned.  In the end I redid about 3-4 rows back from the hairline and the middle section towards the crown of my head.  The twists look much better and alot tidier.  Now I'm thinking when it comes to time to take them out in two weeks I'll be thinking they don't need to come out, but I will take them out regardless so I can care for my hair properly with a thorough deep conditioning treatment with heat for a change as I haven't used heat to deep condition since having these twists in, although I have used deep conditioner on every wash day that I've had.

Unfortunately I didn't take any pics of my hair before redoing the twists on Sunday night (04.09.11) and I didn't take any when I redid it but I have just taken one today.  It is really hard to even bother with my hair at the moment whilst I am recouperating.  I will probably regret that in a months time but for now - BOTHERED???!  Nope.

One thing that was a concern when taking out the twists at the perimeter, these did seem to shed a heck of a lot more than the twists further back.   The twists further back were slightly matted (not badly and nothing a little gentle finger combing couldn't sort out) and had literally no build up.  The front however had alot more build up and the worst ones were near the temples and this is where I lost most hair.   I am hoping that this was just shed hair and not caused by tension.  I haven't put any undue tension on the front of my hair and I know that I didn't install the twists tightly so goodness knows what caused that.  I lost a small palm full sized ball of hair during the process which I am yet to photograph.  I will update this post later with a picture for my records so I can throw that ball of hair away! I am sure my mum is wondering why I am keeping it!!!!!  (",)  Well it's just so when I come to take out all of the twists I can asertain exactly how much hair I have lost in the 6 weeks of having the twists installed.

The realisation that I had build up prompted me to change my moisturising spritz from a conditioner/water based one to a water based spritz.  I now have a spray bottle of water with a couple of drops of castor oil added as that's all I thought I had available, although I think I will change up the castor oil for olive oil or just mix in a drop of that too - I dunno, I'll make up my mind later.  I now use this and prefer it to the previous spritz.

Ciao 4 Now
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