Saturday 5 January 2013

Wash Day Diary 29.12.12 & 02.01.13 @ 1 Week Post

"So far I have washed my hair twice since I relaxed it in December!  I have also flat ironed my hair TWICE in the space of two weeks!"

I flat ironed my hair on 21st December because I wanted to wear my new clip in extenstions for my work Christmas Do.  I used Treseme Heat Defence spray as my heat protectant and got great results - no shedding and no breakage.  I flat ironed my hair again when we went out on NYE beause I was wearing my clip in's again and also as a treat for my boyfriend,.  This means I have worn my hair straight throughout the entire Christmas break, much to his approval!!! 

These are the steps I followed during my wash days in an attempt to nurse my hair back to life!

Wash Day:  29.12.12

  1. Deep conditioned with Giovanni 50:50 Balanced Conditioner then covered my hair with saran wrap and sat under my heated cap for 30 minutes.
  2. Shampoo'd with Roux Porosity Control shampoo and ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo.
  3. Conditnoned with Keracare Humecto, Roux Porosity Control Corrector Conditoiner and Silk Amino Acid for 30 minutes under my heated cap.
  4. I rinsed and then applied my leave in's which were Giovanni Direct Leave In, Bee Mine Deja's Hair Milk and sealed with Organix Moroccan Oil serum and Organix Coconut Milk Anti Breakage serum to the ends and hairline.

On reflection I should have applied more protein to my hair in the form of Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor as I had relaxed my hair the week before.  I remembered to chelate on this wash day and to add protein in my leave ins and deep conditioner, but I forgot the reconstructor step.  This resulted in breakage.

First I started to notice that my hair was shedding long strands, I thought this was strange as it wasn't really shedding at all beforehand.  I was loosing hair every time I moisturised and sealed and  there was also hair on the floor! I checked the strands for the bulb at the end and found that there was none! Alarm bells were ringing at this point, I needed to stop the breakage in it's tracks as I can't afford to lose any density in my hair as my strands are so thin.

I needed to do a protein treatment and wash my hair again.  My first instict was to do a hard protein treatment using Aphogee Two Step Treatment but as my relaxer was less than two weeks ago I opted for the Aphogee 2 Minute Reonstructor which I forgot to use dring my last wash day.  In the past I have experienced protein overload so I am extra cautious when it comes to using protein, espeically the hard protein treatment.

Wash Day:  02.12.13
  1. Detangled using Mane 'N' Tail Detangler and sectioned hair into two halves which I did all the steps in during the entire wash day.
  2. Rinsed hair (starting on the left side only) with water using shower filter then shampoo'd the first half with Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo then rinsed.
  3. Applied Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor to the left side and left on for 5 mintutes whilst I repeated step 2 on the right side.  I then rinsed both sides in turn.
  4. Next I applied a Black Tea rinse using am applicator bottle which I left on for 5 minutes under a plastic cap, before adding my deep conditioner on top of the tea solution.  I find that leaving it on under the cap and then applying the conditioner on top stops my hair from getting stiff after applying the tea.
  5. I deep conditioned with Alter Ego Hot Oil with Garlic, RPCCC (Roux Porosity Control), honey and EVOO.  I left the conditioner on for 30mins whilst I sat under my hair steamer.  I went under the steamer for 5 minutes without a cap and then 25 minutes with the cap.  When I had finished my hair felt heavy as if it was full of moisture, it also felt very soft.
  6. I rinsed the conditioner out, put a TShirt on my head for 10 minutes to soak up the water before I applied my leave in conditioners; Bee Mine Deja's Hair Milk, CHI Keratin Mist and some Herbal Essence Beautiful Ends (which I rediscovered in the cupboard - I stopped using this ages ago as I went off it in a big way when my hair was more texlaxed but now it has less texture my hair loves it!!!).
  7. I then applied EVCO, Organix Morocan Oil serum to the length of my hair and a little Organix Coconut Milk Anti Breakage serum just to the ends.
  8. I then air dried using the scarf method and have bunned ever since.
Airdrying and preparing for a week of solid bunning!  My hair feels stronger and softer now and is not shedding at all.  I am loving how the Herbal Hydration is making my hair feel.

Well, my GHD's won't be getting a look in for 6 if not 12 months!!!!  If I'm honest I felt terrible when I was using them for the second time, it was as if I could hear my hair screaming.  This is something that never used to happen when I flat ironed my hair in the past (pre HHJ), but this time I felt like I was going against all that I know and that I should do (i.e. rollerset instead) and I at this point in my journey, I know hair really isn't a fan of direct heat so I need to use it in extreme moderation - which suits me fine!

Ciao 4 Now

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