Monday 30 January 2012

Wash Day Diary 30.01.12 (a tale of 3 eggs!)

"Wash day again.  My hair has been feeling great since my last wash day but I really want to give it a protein treatment and stick some cornrows in so I can wear my lace unit for a couple of weeks as it's going to be chilly in good ole' Blighty!"

As the title of this post suggests, I decieded to experiment once again using an egg, but my plans didn't quite.... errrmmm..... go to plan.

First I started out by applying grapeseed oil to my hair and very lightly detangling my hair.  I thought I'd give detangling after washing and deep conditioning as Jeni mentioned doing in her recent post.  I had to detangle a bit though, due to wearing my hair in a bantu knot out for the past few days.

Egg # 1

I thought I would start off with a nice mix of :

1 x medium egg
ORS Replenishing Conditioner

I put this mixture into a bowl but oh my goodness, what a mess!!  This stuff curdled real bad.

An egg

An egg, ORS Replenishing Conditioner & JCBO

What The Heck It THIS....!
Needless to say, this was not going anywhere near my strands!

This mix went straight in the bin!  What a waste of my JCBO and ORS....smh and kiss mi teet!

Egg # 2

So, as adding oil to the mix was so not a great idea, I made the following mix:

1 x medium egg
Lustrasilk Shea Butter Mango Cholesterol Liquid Plus

Another egg... and some Lustrasilk Shea Butter Mango Liquid Cholesterol

Much better consistency
Left side of my hair with the egg and Lustrasilk mix applied

I started applying this to the left side of my head (front and back).   Application of this mix was really easy, just like applying regular conditioner although in some parts it was a little more liquid in others towards the end.  I think the mixture started to seperate as I went along.  I realised pretty soon that I wouldn't have enough mixture for my whole head so made the decision to try out a little experiment....

Egg # 3

I thought I would try out using just the egg straight up, all by lonesome.  Great opportunity to see whether I actually need to bother adding any conditioner to it in future.

1 x medium egg

Just a whisked up egg

Application was a right pain.  It was quite watery and hard to work with.  To keep the mess contained I applied this over the sink to the other half of my head.  I didn't section in two, or into smaller parts for that matter.  As it is,  I lost about a quarter of it which ended up down the plug hole!  Using just the egg reminded me alot of the Aphogee Two Step although the egg was a little thicker.

Right side of my hair with the egg applied

Both sides, the Lustrasilk mix is on the right the egg is on the left

View of the back - realised I missed out the bottom of my nape area when I looked at this pic so I put some ORS Replenishing Conditioner on the bits I missed - tut tut

I left the egg on my hair for 45mins without covering with a cap.  I then rinsed using my shower filter head and cool water, no scrambled eggs for me thanks!  I followed this up with a cowash using a mixture of Nutrine Garlic Conditioner and Treseme Moisture Rich conditioner as I couldn't make up my mind which one to use.  I used the Nutrine on my scalp and the Treseme on the length and ends.  I used cool water again so as not to cook any egg residue left over from rinsing.

I then rinsed out the conditioner then put a T-Shirt on my head whilst I dressed.  

Straight after rinsing - I am sooooo COLD!!!

Lustrasilk & egg


Can you tell the difference...?  No, me either!

T-Shirt applied to deal with that excess moisture

I then decided to apply a moisturising deep conditioner to my hair.  I didn't use the ORS as I had already added protein to my hair and didn't want to suffer a protein overload, just to keep up with my plan to use ORS all the time.  Instead I decided to think about what my hair needed and I think it needs moisture after the egg treaments.  I opted to use AOHSR.  I mixed in a little JCBO and some Silk Amino Acid.  This is the second time I've used this conditioner and during application I wasn't really blown away by a rush of moisture to my strands.  Nor was there any instant softness.  I get both of these when I use ORS Replenishing Conditoner.  I've not washed out the conditioner yet (it's been in my hair for about 3hrs now) but to be honest, I'm not overly impressed.  Now Aubrey Organics White Camelia, now that's a different story, I LOVE THAT STUFF!!!


Plastic bag underneath my towel.  I blasted my hair (with the bag on) for about 3 mins to heat it up before putting on the towel
Anyway, as I mentioned, I still have the dc on my hair and will be rinsing it out in about an hour.  I will then add my leave ins, air dry and then put my hair in cornrows.

I'll post an update later with regards to what I think of the results, and of course a few more pics.

Ciao 4 Now


  1. I've never tried using egg as a treatment but I've wanted to for the longest time. Looking forward to seeing the results of your experiment!

    I like AOWC but nowhere near as much as AOHSR. AOWC leaves my hair smooth but it didn't moisturizer that well for me.

  2. I've been contemplating doing an egg treatment. I look forward to seeing how you feel about it a couple days later. I think that I will probably mix it with a creamy dc now that I see your experiment. Thanks for sharing.

  3. @Jenijen
    I really was impressed with the AOSHR after I took off my conditioning cap as it had just seemed to soak straight into my hair, much in the same was as the AOWC. I do find it a little thick to spread on though and don't think it works well for me on dry hair - I have a hard time distributing it through my strands.

    I was impressed with the use of the egg and I think I will just use an egg mixed into conditioner in future for my hard protein treatments and use the Aphogee 2 Step as an add in for other conditioners.

    Ciao 4 Now

  4. @LaQT/ Ty
    No probs! I'm glad it helped (",)


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